By my name is sarah - 21/01/2016 03:48 - United States - Midland

Today, my mom called me by her favorite TV show character's name. Again. This is the eighth time this week. I'm an only child, and I'm 15. I thought she had my name down pat by now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 131
You deserved it 1 406

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Am I the only one wondering who's her favorite character?


Hey, at least your mom dosen't call you by your dog's name like mine does.

I used to have the same problem. Whever they would use a wrong name i'd simply not reply. I don't know if this is the best way to deal with this but it worked for me.

F your mother's life, for having such mess in her head :)

It's tough to think about but consistently calling someone the wrong name, especially a familiar but wrong name is an early sign of dementia. Maybe get her checked out?

My parents mix up my brothers' names all the time. My mom has called me by her sister's name and they don't get along even though we get along fine.

My husband is an only child. Growing up, his father would on occasion accidentally call him "Jock." Jock was their dog. And I thought it was bad when my parents accidentally called me by my brother's name.

tiger820 20

I'm 36 and my pops still calls me by my brothers name. he also calls my brother by my name, go figure.

It happens OP, I've been called the names of my two siblings, and even my dog's name before.

coolhandmartin 15

I'm 25 and my mom goes through the list of my dad, my cousins and sometimes even my sisters name before she gets mine...