By arrowtopatella - 24/12/2011 05:15 - Australia

Today, my mother was watching me play Pokémon. She walked over to the TV and pulled the plug before ranting about how shameful it is that her 17 year old daughter plays Pokémon. She then sat down at the computer and started playing Farmville. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 465
You deserved it 5 974

arrowtopatella tells us more.

Hey guys, I'm the OP of this FML. I was playing XD- Gale of Darkness, one of my favourites. Alas there is no 'elite 4' as such in the Orre region, I was in the middle of catching a rare Wooper at a PokeSpot which I could have traded for an awesome Larvitar. Sigh. Rich world problems, I know. And yes, shock horror, I am a female that plays Pokemon, le gasp. And also I do play old-school Mario and stuff, I've been a Nintendo fangirl ever since I was little, occasionally migrating to other consoles to play things like Skyrim (No CoD for me though, thank you very much. Blegh.)

Top comments

Unplug the router while she's harvesting.

17 year old girl playing Pokemon? Marry me.


Pokemon is simply awesome, anyone who doesn't realize this, i feel sincerely sorry for...

If all she did was unplug the TV then the game should have still been running. I hope you plugged it back in and saved. :-)

17 year old girls who play Pokemon, UNITE! Also, I must say, Farmville is one of the lamest things humans have invented, including autocorrect systems that accept 'Farmville' as an actual word.

Hmm lets say if i were to marry a girl gamer, BUT she didnt know i rage louder than a dying cat ******** out wasps through a sewn up asshole? Would that be cool?

Airman1988 9

Everyone knows that Mario is better than Pokemon, if your gonna go old school at least play the real classics

Mario and Pokemon are cool when you can't play Metroid that is.

Wait, you live in Victoria too? MARRIAGE

I'm a girl and love pokemon. I still have all the old school cards, play the games here and there, mutated watched one of the movies a couple of weeks ago on cartoon network lol

IdfkMyUsernamexC 5

HYPOCRITE ALERT... Seriously though, I play pokemon too. What's so wrong about that? Oh, and what version was it and on what game console?

CoolRainbowdash 15

I hope you find a boyfriend whose house you can play pokemon together at.