By MrRadin - 04/12/2015 05:31 - France

Today, my roommate thought of a new idea for our household. According to him, we should take dumps at work as often as we can, that way, "we'll save on toilet paper at home." FML
I agree, your life sucks 490
You deserved it 47

Top comments

Does he want you to shower in the rain to save water also?


It's true man. He's just saying if you've got to do it, do it while at work. But if you're at home and you've go to, go ahead. It won't kill your supply

So then how is that different from what is already going on?

#46, some people don't like pooping at work; instead, they prairiedog it until they get home, where it's more comfortable and where they can privately and safely release their demon.

You could always dump in the front yard and use leaves, like real men.

Or you could be like the future people from Demolition Man and use sea shells

Or you could just crap on the corpses of your fallen enemies and use they clothing to wipe, like real men

Saving pennies is not going to cut the big costs after a month you may see a $10 savings in real savings turned down The heat in the winter and turn down the AC in the summer this will save you about $60 a month

MedChew 19

Awesome idea, it also sneakily shaves off 5 minutes off your work hours trying to force empty your boweldaily at work.

That's not too bad. At least he hasn't thought of some crazy way to enforce it.

HerpNdurp88 0

I crunched the numbers and I make appx. $800 a year pooping at work plus the saved money on T.P. at home lol

steve02134 7

Yeah, I don't see any downside to this.

Mathalamus 24

He isn't wrong, but it seems a bit dishonest.

I hope for your sake he doesn't work with you OP. :)