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By tawnaciousd - 10/09/2009 06:35 - United States

Today, my sister surprised me by cleaning my room and doing my laundry. She found my journal, condoms and vibrator and decided to share her findings with my family. Oh yes... she also shrunk half my wardrobe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 157
You deserved it 5 063

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A guy with a vibrator and journal? Hmm, whatever floats your boat.

I'm a guy, have a journal, condoms, and a vibrator in my room. I'm not that messy though.


I'll bet she also shrunk the vibrator a bit, if you know what I mean.

I'm a guy, have a journal, condoms, and a vibrator in my room. I'm not that messy though.

whyowhy26 3

YDI for not specifying your gender. =/

Nissi 17

If you're young enough to be still living with your sister and family, you shouldn't have those things in the first place.

OP could be any age and still live at home permanently or temporarily for various reasons. Further education? Armed Forces? Carer for an unwell relative? Besides, who are you to judge how old a person has to be to have condoms and/or a vibrator. Grab your hair and pull hard until your head comes out of your ass.

JukeboxBunny 0

I'm assuming Nissi is trolling?

Hemlock420 0

Maybe you should get a lock on your door?

YDI for letting her find your Clay Aiken underwear.

timboLDS 0

lol...well so much for your secret life eh? hang in there you'll be ok except for family gatherings try to keep a low profile

aaaaa12345_fml 0

why does every girl who posts on here have a vibrator?

Wait, what? Your vibrator 'soothes you in your afterglow'? That's a little odd right there...

@60: Why not? (Admittedly I don't, but I still don't understand your issue with it)

Pshh, she wasn't trying to do you any favours obviously. She was plotting revenge on you and looking through your stuff for blackmail

funny...yet embarrassing. and i love the name. hahah. :D