By BrokeInCT - 09/06/2009 19:13 - United States
BrokeInCT tells us more.
I'm the OP. For the record, I was NOT flirting with the interviewer, nor was she flirting with me. ~Angela~
Top comments
#16, don't you know these are the easy times? worst are yet to come
omg, she got fired for hiring you!
BURRNNNNNNN Bad econemy... maybe you could apply for her job?
#22... no offense, you sound really qualified in your field, but as the director of a bank holding company? I'm female and wouldn't argue that there's still inequality, but I don't think you can blame that one on misogyny.
Dang, that sucks. Here's to hoping the next one doesn't turn out so FML-y.
Oh my God. This is HI-lariuos. The Economy just boned you in the ass.
Well you should b able to get another interview with them and if u truly qualify for the job ull get it, YDI for flirting with her.
Aw, that's so sad.
So she was fired for being interested in hiring you? FYL and her's
Now this is a true FML.