By jaquie0812 - 12/06/2014 16:37 - United States - Longview
jaquie0812 tells us more.
To shed light on what happened. We found a kitten in the woods by our apartment and are currently fostering it till we can find a new home. (might keep it if my kitten will accept it) my kitten is not happy with this and has been swatting at the kitten. He was asleep with me in my room when the other kitten got in and since it is very affectionate he claimed right up which made pooter (my kitten) mad and attack. the scratches weren't that bad and they are both OK. Hopefully they start getting along soon. love the cat puns they are purrrfect.
Top comments
I guess having 2 ******* fight over you is not always a good thing.
12 year olds: "Haha you're so funny...wait what."
Been there. Hope you got those scratches cleaned out. Infection from cat scratches can be nasty. I need to get a new squirt gun to keep beside the bed. Only way to discipline the feline children, especially when they start up while you're trying to sleep.
Ever heard of flying cats
this is another reason why I would never have cats
You never own cats, cats own you! (Not only in Russia btw...)
cat fight
Me-ow ;)
Cats are the best ever.
They're fighting OVER you. *slaps knee*
You'll be feline that one for a while!