By jaquie0812 - 12/06/2014 16:37 - United States - Longview

Today, my two cats decided to have a brawl on top of me. I was just trying to get to sleep. Now I'm covered in scratches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 241
You deserved it 6 668

jaquie0812 tells us more.

jaquie0812 13

To shed light on what happened. We found a kitten in the woods by our apartment and are currently fostering it till we can find a new home. (might keep it if my kitten will accept it) my kitten is not happy with this and has been swatting at the kitten. He was asleep with me in my room when the other kitten got in and since it is very affectionate he claimed right up which made pooter (my kitten) mad and attack. the scratches weren't that bad and they are both OK. Hopefully they start getting along soon. love the cat puns they are purrrfect.

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jaquie0812 13

To shed light on what happened. We found a kitten in the woods by our apartment and are currently fostering it till we can find a new home. (might keep it if my kitten will accept it) my kitten is not happy with this and has been swatting at the kitten. He was asleep with me in my room when the other kitten got in and since it is very affectionate he claimed right up which made pooter (my kitten) mad and attack. the scratches weren't that bad and they are both OK. Hopefully they start getting along soon. love the cat puns they are purrrfect.

This is normal when bringing a new cat into the house, usually within a week or two the kittens should start getting along. I have 4 cats, we went through this when introducing each one, they still fight from time to time, but thats mainly because the newest cat keeps trying to claim dominance and the others wont have it, they've never actually hurt one another though.

#74 Seems like you have a jealous cat in your paws

erenjaeger 16

They'll start to get along once your kitty gets used to the new kitty. When I got CC, Kiro was not too thrilled. Now, the two of them get along so well. They sleep next to each other, cuddle, play, and even groom each other. It's so cute.

jaquie0812 13

their fighting seems to be more playful now. I want to keep the other kitten so he can have a good home. That and pooter could use someone his age to play with. I have a Dog but he is older and doesn't play as much

I just want to say that I think Pooter is an awesome name for a cat :)

lmao there are so many kittens in one short paragraph xDahaha

You named your cat "Pooter"? That poor animal.

When we adopted a cat from the streets my 2 other cats were the same way. We actually only took her in because my neighborhood sadly is terrible for just throwing their cats onto the street and my one cat Tazz wouldn't shut up until we took her in. her and my old cat Friskie loved each other and it was hard on her when he passed away. now she is needy as hell and I am allergic to her, but I just adore the little stinker. it does take some time for them to get used to each other but hopefully they get along soon.

#109 how do you deal with your allergies?

I've had two cats for 7 years and they've never got along. they can't be in the same room without at least some nasty posturing. i think the older one has issues though

You own cats. Anything bad that happens to you is well deserved.

My cat did that to me when he was a kitten. Sadly it happened so often my parents declawed him.

Ah yes, much like the time my brother wouldn't stop pinching me - my parent's cut his fingers off. We're all much better off now :D

I've never known a cat to accept something they don't like. But he might learn to begrudgingly tolerate it and get back at you in ways like peeing in your vents

Meh. You could have pushed them off. They'd be mad at you for a little bit, but you would have ended up with less scratches.

WinterBlue42 22

You'd be surprised how quickly two fighting kittens can scratch you up. I feel bad for the OP, since I also have cats. FYL xD

jaquie0812 13

have you ever owned a cat? I thought there was an unspoken rule to never get in the middle of a cat fight. They will turn on you in a second when they fight they just see red. That's why I covered pooter with the blanket so he couldn't see midnight(temp name) and grabbed midnight and took him out of the room. Midnight's a lover not a fighter so it was safe to grab him sorta

I actually have had cats. I've dealt with cat on cat fights and cat on dog fights. Just because I offer a solution that you don't agree with doesn't mean I have no experience in this department. I read your other comment. I'm glad it was handled better than you originally implied.

jaquie0812 13

what did my comment imply? I would never do anything to hurt an animal. and me asking if you've owned cats was a legit question didn't mean I was saying you have no experience I was basically asking if you did. in my experience when you try to separate them you get caught in some of the blows. it might just depend on the cat.

OP won. He said he covered Pooter and carried the other one out of the room

Happens all the time to pet owners. It hurts. A LOT.

Cats, why you hit each other? No, don't start hitting me instead Can you stop? Cat pls pls

That's when they both would've become flying cats.