By We're still popping them - 27/02/2015 00:35 - United States - Fremont

Today, the neighbors called the cops because they heard "gun shots". My girlfriend and I were popping bubble wrap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 667
You deserved it 2 879

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You know it's pretty unusual to shoot bubble wrap

Your neighbor is an idiot. A gunshot is way louder.


How does bubble wrap sound like a gun?! I live in Canada but I'm still pretty sure a gun is louder.

Very intrusive neighbours given they stick their ears to the walls to mistake popping noise for a hun shot! Sorry op!

Gorebabee17 10

Haha definitely made me laugh.

A gun shot? Clearly haven't touched a bubble wrap, your neighbors childhood was full of crap!

How loud where does Bubble wraps? Did you like pop one of them as big ss your fist?

Man, and here I thought popping bubble wrap was supposed to relieve stress, not add more.

I like the fact that your name is, "we're still popping them" XD

PSYqualiac 17

I'd hate to burst their bubble, but if they think bubble wrap is loud enough, then they're a little popped.

havahnegila 22

It's awesome that you pop bubble wrap together for fun !

one, your neighbors are dumb. two, I love the fact that you and your gf were sharing bubble wrap. that is real love, man