By kfeath1 - 01/03/2016 05:36

Today, while working as a hostess in a restaurant, an old lady complained to the manager that I was on heroin because she could see all the track marks on my arms. I was actually fighting a staph infection and the "track marks" were where my IV had been placed. My manager told me to cover it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 306
You deserved it 1 579

kfeath1 tells us more.

kfeath1 8

Wow! This is my FML and I can't get over the number of comments! What happened was my staph infection was on the inside of my look at me I looked absolutely normal. I didn't handle any food, just sat people at their tables. So those of you who are judging...relax; no contamination was given. And I had a port in my arm that I had hidden, but couldn't pull my sleeve down over because it was so big. As for the lady, she just wanted something to complain about. She saw the spots where the port had been and just wanted to complain about it. My manager should have stood up for me, but he didn't and instead decided to tell me that a person complained and I needed to heed what she said. It was a ridiculous time and I'm glad I'm healthy again.

Top comments

I hate people like that. At least you still have a job! My boss fired someone who had surgery and the IV left a mark. A customer complained and out the poor guy went.

At least your manager understood. But I know people like that are so annoying.


trellz17 19

But why did it have to be heroine?

Because heroine is usually the drug people inject in themselves.

Heroin* The drug, people, not the female hero.

trellz17 19

I know how to spell heroin, it was an accident. Don't waste your time trying to belittle people.

Because the op looks under 25. Lately those that are injecting drugs and are under 25 are using heroine. While those over 25 are still using Meth.

27- Chill dude, no reason to get all butt hurt.

trellz17 19

#37, I am chill. I just don't like when people do stuff like that.

#46 - then the internet might be the wrong place for you...

mm12344 8

To be fair I think your manager made the right call if it can be mistaken for that by customers.

Probably any healing wound should be covered, if possible, when working in a service industry.

If you get enough needles, even once healed, they can leave scars.

Sorry that happened OP. People can be ridiculous at times. I hope you are recovering well, and I'm glad you didn't lose your job!

Lady is an asshole, but as a server you really should cover up stuff like that. Quite apart from drugs, it just doesn't look good in food service to have any kind of marks that suggest open skin, even if it's scabbed over.

Why the hell are you working in an establishment that serves food if you've got a staph infection?

I'm probably going to get down voted but whatever, honestly I don't think you deserved it but I don't blame your boss for telling you to cover your arms either. If I'd been that lady I wouldn't have said anything to your boss but I would of made some assumptions and you would of gotten a lesser tip because of it, especially if you were acting kind of lethargic or super energetic. Honestly though, after you covered your arms did you start getting tipped a little better?

So you would, based on an assumption with no real data to back it up, tip less, as opposed to for the service itself? What if the injection marks are for cancer treatment or something? Besides, everyone has off days, and you should always tip 10% at the very minimum. **** your servers' lives. see someone with a needle mark and assume that they are on drugs...and therefore tip them less? Do you think that it will teach them that drugs are bad if you tip badly? You're supposed to tip based on the service. You aren't reviewing the server's life choices. Do you also tip badly if you don't like the server's hairstyle?

I almost never see people with needle marks, probably because most of the people who have them are smart enough to cover up. The few people I have seen with them were on meth or herion so yeah I am gonna suspect that when I see needle marks. 34, if your going through chemo treatment then your probably not able to wait on tables effectively. Everyone I've known who's gone through chemo could hardly walk for days after treatment.

But you're tipping them based on the service they give you. If they've given you good service, and they do drugs, then why would you tip them less? It's not like it's affected their job. And as someone else mentioned, it's not like they're suddenly going to be like "wow, I got tipped less by that lady, maybe I should quit doing drugs." What they do on their own time doesn't matter as long as they have performed their service well.

#49 - I've had needle marks on the inside of my left elbow from being a frequent blood donor and from getting blood tests to qualify for my travel visas. I also wouldn't cover them up the day after because running around a hot restaurant is even less pleasant with longer sleeves and I did nothing to be ashamed of that I felt I needed to cover. You're saying you would tip me less, regardless of my service, because I had a needle mark and you automatically assumed I did heroin?

*you're. You're illiterate obviously, so no wonder you'd just jump to assumptions.

LittleLittlered7 6

if you are still fighting an infection why come into work? and yes, you do need to cover that up for that exact reason.

Know the feeling... Had a similar incident but a doctor thought i was a drug addict... One day you will look back and have a good laugh about it.....

kfeath1 8

Wow! This is my FML and I can't get over the number of comments! What happened was my staph infection was on the inside of my look at me I looked absolutely normal. I didn't handle any food, just sat people at their tables. So those of you who are judging...relax; no contamination was given. And I had a port in my arm that I had hidden, but couldn't pull my sleeve down over because it was so big. As for the lady, she just wanted something to complain about. She saw the spots where the port had been and just wanted to complain about it. My manager should have stood up for me, but he didn't and instead decided to tell me that a person complained and I needed to heed what she said. It was a ridiculous time and I'm glad I'm healthy again.

megs925 16

Glad to hear you're better OP. From a customers perspective though,I'd probably prefer to see any wounds covered.Especially in the food industry. You just never know what it could be these days. The customer was a dick for assuming that and Your boss could have stood up for you more.

SchlomoTheGrinch 18

Well, I'm glad your manager didn't take the complaint more seriously than just asking you to somehow cover up the marks. Accusing you of being a heroin addict is a dick move and though it may be troublesome to cover up the marks, your manager knows you're a good employee and would rather avoid those misunderstandings. And good to hear you're all well again, OP!

It sounds reasonable to me that you should cover it up. Guests shouldn't see that, it probably does look like heroin marks - especially if someone had never seen actual herein marks (such as I). The manager didn't fire you, or write you up, or berate you - all he did was ask you to cover it up, because if one customer saw it and complained, there are probably dozens who saw it and kept it to themselves, and it's an unprofessional look. Sure, the lady is a bitch, but that doesn't mean you couldn't learn anything from her idiocy ;)

yellowzinnias 20

Ports are EXTREMELY hard to cover with a regularly-sized sleeve. Lower that high horse a little, sweetie, because you're coming off as a giant c*nt.

That's gotta suck a lot. Hope you have a great life! Shadow out