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Too good

By hard work doesn't work - 13/03/2015 06:21 - United States - Irving

Today, I found out that the reason I didn't get the job that I have been working my butt off for over a year for is because they can't find anybody who can do my current job as good as me. I'm too good to be promoted. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 432
You deserved it 3 030

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Can't you offer to train the chosen candidate for a number of weeks?

Steve95401 49

There's no reason you can't be promoted while continuing to do some aspects of your present job. The rest of your current workload could be split among other staff members until a new employee can be brought on board.


Don't stop trying you never know. They might find someone remotely capable of what you're doing.

Or you could threaten to leave and then they will have to pay you more.

I agree, #24. A lot of times bosses will try to keep you stagnant because they don't want to train someone else. But I'm sure they'd rather lose you to another position within the company (where they could still utilize your help when needed) than lose you altogether.

nityasomaiya 46

Probably OP could just bribe somebody for her Oh-So-Amazing job...

Sarcastic much? ^^ Its good to be indispensable, OP. I wouldn't threaten to quit unless I was positive that they wouldn't say, "Great! See ya later!" Sometimes that's what it takes though. If you're that good, they'll fight to keep you.

Maybe try to get them to raise your salary a considerable amount.

Steve95401 49

There's no reason you can't be promoted while continuing to do some aspects of your present job. The rest of your current workload could be split among other staff members until a new employee can be brought on board.

I agree with the sentiment but unfortunately I have found some managers do not want to lose an asset in one department or position without someone as good or better in the wings. It is quite unfortunate but the work world is often unfair. :(

xluciferx666 21

I agree with number one just keep working hard and it will pay off

Whoa i can be first comment ok time to shine um what should I say um um JET FUEL CANT MELT STEEL BEAMS God damnit

assassinbanana0 20
Moklon 18

I visibly cringed at this comment.

oh shut up commenters you're so melodramatic


meli1195 31

#4, this isn't ifunny, your comment has to actually be good to get upvotes

Can't you offer to train the chosen candidate for a number of weeks?

Agreed. This happens more often than we can imagine. Either current employee is too good and can't get a replacement Or current employee is underpaid for the job they're doing and don't know about it (Replacement would cost more) Or people just don't want the job and it's hard to get replacement. In either case you have to convince your employer that you'll do the next job even better and you can train the new employee to do as good of a job as you. Remember. Businesses are evil. Most if not all of the time they only think of their benefit (no brainer). You can also find yourself a replacement and recommend it to HR. They will consider your recommendation.

if I were you I would just keep working harder and harder. maybe then you'll prove you can be moved up even higher, and with time I'm sure they could find somebody capable of doing your current job

Most new hires won't be able to do the job as good as the person they're replacing due to a lack of training. They get better with practice and time. With that kind of logic, they'll never find someone to replace you :(

Sorry you didnt get promoted,But at least you k ow you're great at your job...

Hopefully you can at least get a raise. Or offer to train your replacement? I don't know op this is a damned if you do,damned if you don't situation.