Watch out for them slappers

By Anonymous - 30/03/2021 14:01

Today, my medium-sized poxer dog was sitting on my lap. He shook his head, managing to slap me in the face with his ears three times. FML
I agree, your life sucks 619
You deserved it 284

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ojoRojo 27

Yup, dogs do that sometimes. Hopefully you’ve found a way to continue on after that tragedy


ojoRojo 27

Yup, dogs do that sometimes. Hopefully you’ve found a way to continue on after that tragedy

I'd guess a poodle-boxer mutt, just trying to sound fancy/expensive. Poodles get bred to freakin everything because backyard breeders want to make money.

Marcella1016 31

Lol I bit the bullet and googled it. It’s actually a boxer-pug mix (also called a “Box-a-Pug” apparently). I also was wondering what makes one cross-breed a “mix” and what makes one a “mutt.” Does it have to do with how cute the mix is? Because I also googled poodle boxer mix and it was not cute lol

A mutt is generally 3 or more different breeds, especially if one or more of the breeds in the mix is unknown. A mix is often 2 (occasionally more) breeds combined on purpose by a breeder (or someone trying to be a breeder).