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We need to talk…

By HeatherRosure18 - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - United States - Glendale Heights

Today, while at the nail salon, my boyfriend called. Since I was getting my nails done, I had to put him on speaker. The whole salon heard him break up with me. I can still hear their snickering in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 626
You deserved it 7 618

Top comments

zingline89 18

Sorry OP, guess he really nailed you with that one. Maybe you should have worked on polishing your relationship while you could. Though I gotta hand it to you, you seem to have taken it well.

FYL, I'm really sorry he did that and I'm even more sorry the whole salon laughed. That was grossly unprofessional and uncalled for. I would make some kind of complaint about that if I were you, not that it would reverse what they did but some people need to be taught when it is and isn't OK to cross boundaries. As for your now ex- embrace life without that douche x


Really? That's the best comment you could come up with? There's a button you could click to have the same effect. :3

^There's a button you couold have clicked as well.

OhDearBetrayal 25

Wow, this is Facebook taken into real life. Think of it as the same thing; your business is out in the open and you know there is an audience even if they don't "like" it.

Is that comment supposed to mean that breakups are meant to occur on facebook?

OhDearBetrayal 25

It's meant to show the similarities in the two situations. Not all people are morons on Facebook.

zingline89 18

Sorry OP, guess he really nailed you with that one. Maybe you should have worked on polishing your relationship while you could. Though I gotta hand it to you, you seem to have taken it well.

Now there's one we haven't heard yet :)

Next time you get embarrassed, callous. We'll be there to lend you a hand. There are mani of us willing to help.

She was too busy polishing her nails to polish their relationship

You must be prissy if strangers enjoy your break up. Or people are just mean.

OP said she heard snickering from people. She didn't say that they seemed like they enjoyed seeing her get dumped via a call, which is really cowardly (unless they are in a long distance relationship).

FYL, I'm really sorry he did that and I'm even more sorry the whole salon laughed. That was grossly unprofessional and uncalled for. I would make some kind of complaint about that if I were you, not that it would reverse what they did but some people need to be taught when it is and isn't OK to cross boundaries. As for your now ex- embrace life without that douche x

What if her boyfriend called to break up because he found out that she cheated on him with 6 other guys, two of whom were not human. Would he still be a douchebag just for doing this on the phone?

Making assumptions based on the limited information provided in the FML is poor form. Even if the assumptions do prove to be accurate, breaking up in person is almost always the more decent approach, irrespective of one's motives for doing so.

Which is why one can't assume that the OPs ex is a douche. We simply don't have enough information.

bfsd42 20

Op put the conversation on speakerphone. Clearly that makes this her fault. Nobody wants to sit there listening to someone else's conversation while getting their nails done or doing someone's nails. Op should have postponed the conversation till after she left the salon.

chriisteex 10

Yes, I'd like to file a complaint about the workers at X salon.. They were snickering when they heard my boyfriend break up with me through the phone when I put him on speaker.

Satoaoi 13

there are plenty of nails in the world. time to get one who deserves you

hellobobismyname 24

I'm sorry, come again? Why does she need a nail that deserves her?

I think #8 was trying to make a (bad) pun out of the "there are plenty of fish in the sea" saying. Sorry #8 but you just couldn't nail that pun right there.

oj101 33

Breaking up with you over the phone? Who said chivalry was dead?

oj101 33

Watch "Dean Martin and Nancy Sinatra Things" on YouTube, and see how much romance and class has really disintegrated since the 60's.

No he is talking to me! TO ME I TELL YOU!! ;) And I agree with him. I would have loved to have been alive in the 1940s or 50s! Just seemed like people were a little bit more decent and kind to each other...

oj101 33

#19 - I threadjacked myself in order to get my message across with the YouTube video. In the 50's/60's songs were like - "Love me tender, love me sweet, and I'll love you always my darling..." Today it's like - "picked up some ho', picked up herpes, yo"

#20 yes people seem more friendly and decent in the 40s and 50s... Assuming that you where white. Any other race was put down and treated poorly.

yodas0da 12

wow that sucks... :( pretty horrible way of your bf to cop out of a decent breakup too. sorry op

Dodge4x4Ram 46

what an awkward moment for everyone

Namely OP, others found it snickerworthy.