What happened here?

By Lisa - This FML is from back in 2018 but it's good stuff

Today, I came home from my vacation. My sister had been taking care of my dog and my apartment while I was away. As I walked in, I was greeted by a floor covered in poop and a destroyed couch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 007
You deserved it 333

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Flutter_Lily 6

I'd take her to court to pay for the couch. If you still have it, take pics.

Clearly she hasn’t been looking after the dog OR the apartment!


Flutter_Lily 6

I'd take her to court to pay for the couch. If you still have it, take pics.

God damn why cant you Americans think of anything else than suing people especially your own family. If something like that happened in my family, they would pay me for the couch without me having to ask about it.

Clearly she hasn’t been looking after the dog OR the apartment!

Emma Marshall 19

Time to go to her apartment and shit all over the place.

Whose poop? Maybe it’s your sister who is not housebroken.

ViviMage 38

It wasn't the bitch's fault, it was the slinking supposed to watch it!

Wow gotta love your siblings 🙄 that just means the revenge will be that much sweeter 😈now go get some shrimp (easier to conceal than fish) head to sisters hide shrimp in places she won't think to look (under stove, fridge, couch, inside curtain rods, toilet tank etc.)& let the fun begin 😎

Squidgegg 4

I hope you weren't paying her to do that. If you had agreed to, refuse to pay her. And cut her off entirely, she obviously doesn't give a tinker's damn about you, your dog or your home.

Sounds like a new challenge. "The floor is poop!"