What up big pimps?
By Anonymous - 05/05/2023 12:00
By Anonymous - 05/05/2023 12:00
By stressedmom36 - 13/08/2015 23:50 - United States - Tampa
By Jay - 04/11/2017 04:00
By Anonymous - 19/04/2013 23:33 - Sweden - Ljungby
By Anonymous - 03/07/2015 20:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 26/04/2022 18:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/10/2011 15:52 - United States
By Joel Lee Burgess - 15/02/2021 22:59 - United States
By FBI1236 - 07/07/2019 20:00 - Pakistan - Karachi
By sadmom - 18/03/2020 05:05
By anerdmom - 18/10/2018 14:00
I don't understand why they yell at you for something your son did. FYL. I hope he shares the loot with you.
What's the problem? Some people go their whole lives trying to find their purpose in life -- your son found his at six! Get him some broad-brimmed hats and drive him to school in a Cadillac!
Looks like someone let his son watch South Park.
Don’t tell Kyle’s mom or she might start a war.
this is amazing, little hussler at 6 yrs old
sounds like he's smarter than his classmates, you should be proud! who cares if the teachers don't agree. my elementary school had a real money trade for random shit kids took from their parents. Talk to him and make him understand that perhaps that was a little bit weird and have him sell girl scout cookies and he'll be an entrepreneur in no time
Your son is an entrepreneur utilizing the assets he has available by forming a workforce with attributes matching his business model. But seriously, I think all the parents need to talk to their kids. He's probably guilty of peer pressure, but the others are probably guilty of naiveté, and all should be addressed to show and expect respect.
Butters and his bitches. Do you know what I am saying?
Your son is an entrepreneur utilizing the assets he has available by forming a workforce with attributes matching his business model. But seriously, I think all the parents need to talk to their kids. He's probably guilty of peer pressure, but the others are probably guilty of naiveté, and all should be addressed to show and expect respect.
Looks like someone let his son watch South Park.