When you have to raise the bar... By Lewis - 27/12/2018 19:00 - France - Paris Not much though... Just a bit higher. I agree, your life sucks 260 You deserved it 114 Share Tweet Share
Today, I broke a nail at school. The edge kept getting caught on things, so I thought I could file it down by rubbing it on my jeans. Apparently it looked like I was doing something else, because I was called into the principal's office to discuss why "certain things" should be done in private. FML I agree, your life sucks 34 176 You deserved it 5 527
Today, I discovered that I have dandruff, which I've never had before. I googled the possible reasons, some being depression and hormones. Not only have I not had sex for a year, but it's also the reason I have dandruff. And apparently I'm depressed. How sexy is that? FML I agree, your life sucks 30 819 You deserved it 6 828
Today, my boyfriend showed up at my grandmother's wake in torn jeans and a Family Guy t-shirt. When I took him aside asked him what the hell he was thinking, he lost his temper and stormed out. FML I agree, your life sucks 25 422 You deserved it 4 314
Today, I read my mom's Facebook status. It said, "So sick of kids, can't wait for Vegas this week!" My dad, along with 12 others, liked it. I didn't even know she was going to Vegas. FML I agree, your life sucks 29 961 You deserved it 4 827
Today, while working out at the gym, I paused to check out a beautiful woman. The guy behind me said "Are you going to do your set or are you going to keep staring at my wife?" FML I agree, your life sucks 2 119 You deserved it 6 671
Today, I wore my best suit to an interview. I was told they didn't have any knight shifts available. FML I agree, your life sucks 1 174 You deserved it 85
Today, I had to run a mile in gym class for fitness training. If it takes longer than 10 minutes to run the stretch, you have to re-take it. My time was 10:02. FML I agree, your life sucks 41 074 You deserved it 20 414
Today, my daughter put a doll in the microwave "to keep her warm". She's 17. FML I agree, your life sucks 34 521 You deserved it 4 830
she sounded like a lamb after kissing that bar with her head.....