Who's responsible? Ep#2 By Louis - 04/04/2017 21:00 The investigation is still underway… This week we're finding out who's making hoverboards so prevalent on FML. I agree, your life sucks 704 You deserved it 163 Share Tweet Share
Today, I was babysitting this 12 year old. We were watching a movie, and he was being an angel just laying with his head in my lap. He fell asleep so I closed my eyes and had a little nap. When I woke up he had taken my shirt off and was feeling up my boobs. FML I agree, your life sucks 47 626 You deserved it 15 105
Today, like an idiot, I accidentally included stuff I learned from snooping in my daughter's secret diary during a conversation with her. She's not happy at me right now, so I may have to polish off my old grovelling skills from when I was still married to her mom. FML I agree, your life sucks 128 You deserved it 2 499
Today, I must find a gentle way to tell my 71-year-old mother that she's too old to be wearing shirts that expose her belly. FML I agree, your life sucks 43 269 You deserved it 3 213
Today, I missed my train. I was actually on the right platform but realized my mistake two minutes after it had left. FML I agree, your life sucks 276 You deserved it 224
Today, somebody in a store was talking about a girl who had a snake, and while I was walking out the store, an old lady asked me if I was the girl with the snake. I said no, to which she replied, "Oh, because you look like someone who would." FML I agree, your life sucks 1 430 You deserved it 262
Today, my wife and I have been fighting for two days straight. We haven’t talked all day. It all started with me asking where to park. FML I agree, your life sucks 926 You deserved it 116
Today, I caught some perverts sitting in a car in front of my house, spying on my neighbors. When they refused to leave, I grabbed a baseball bat and they sped off in a hurry. Later, those same perverts came back to arrest my neighbors for drug trafficking. I had threatened cops. FML I agree, your life sucks 54 223 You deserved it 12 328
Today, my mom yelled at me because I didn't hear to her calls while I was listening to music. She told me she wouldn't trust me again, that I'm worthless. When I began crying, she told me that I was psychologically manipulate her. It's been like this all the time lately. I can't wait to move out. FML I agree, your life sucks 1 113 You deserved it 155