Who you gonna call?

By Anonymous - 17/10/2020 02:02

Today, I couldn't enter my workplace because I haven't gotten the new keycard yet. I ended up having to wait outside for close to an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 966
You deserved it 146

Same thing different taste

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If only there were some sort portable communication device which would enable people to transmit sound across a distance. Let's call this mode "tele-phonic" from distance and sound. Man, if I could invent this, I could become a hundred-thousandaire, probably.

Perhaps he called but soonest anyone could come was an hour.


If only there were some sort portable communication device which would enable people to transmit sound across a distance. Let's call this mode "tele-phonic" from distance and sound. Man, if I could invent this, I could become a hundred-thousandaire, probably.

Perhaps he called but soonest anyone could come was an hour.

At least you couldn't be accused of being late.