You should be dancing, yeah?

By Anonymous - 17/07/2024 05:00 - United Kingdom

Today, a man joined our dance group who is at least 10 stone overweight with a belly hanging over his belt. When I tell you he is leaps and bounds a much better dancer than me, I'm underselling how good he is. I fully admit I’m jealous, but he makes all my efforts seem laughable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 234
You deserved it 409

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's how overweight and unattractive guys get girls: They learn skills that girls find attractive, like dancing. I have seen women literally stand in a queue to dance with a guy who had an enlarged forehead because he was such a great dancer. In fact, he was a drawing card of the club and got in for free and everything.


That's how overweight and unattractive guys get girls: They learn skills that girls find attractive, like dancing. I have seen women literally stand in a queue to dance with a guy who had an enlarged forehead because he was such a great dancer. In fact, he was a drawing card of the club and got in for free and everything.