Uh oh

By Anonymous - 18/11/2018 22:00

Today, I needed some contact lens solution, so I left my room to look in my sister's room to see if she had any. I walked in to see my mom sucking my dad off on her bed. They didn't see me so I walked away, but the image is engraved in my mind forever now. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 178
You deserved it 510

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hopefully the image is blurry if you weren't wearing contacts?

Do you let your sister know what goes on on her bed?


Do you let your sister know what goes on on her bed?

Hopefully the image is blurry if you weren't wearing contacts?

Maybe try and blow the image from your head with something else.

ohsnapword 21

As if the acidic contact lens solution didn't burn your eyes enough.

What the Wonder what happens in your bed when you're not in Maybe bring someone home and bonk in their bed see how they like it

Veroswen 3

That's such crap they would do it on your sister's bed. Yeah they pay for it, but they could show some common decency.

Deez_Knots 10

Just imagine what happens on your bed when you’re not there

OP, that’s uncomfortable but it’s a lot less bad than many things that could have been taking place. At least Mom and Dad still love each other and enjoy a healthy sex life.