Bad customer service moment

By beernuts - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, due to the powerful antibiotic I was taking for a bad infection on my knee, I had no control over my bowels and shat my pants while discussing a plumbing problem in a customer's basement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 281
You deserved it 2 301

Top comments

Talk about taking an arrow to the knee right? *prepares for an onslaught if thumbs down*

OP, I think you're the one with the plumbing problems in your basement.. you got a leak.


Talk about taking an arrow to the knee right? *prepares for an onslaught if thumbs down*

OP, I think you're the one with the plumbing problems in your basement.. you got a leak.

"now, we gotta get these pipes.. AHhhhhhhh.."

LiveLaughFML 10

I used to make arrow to the knee jokes but then I *puts on sunglasses* took an arrow to the knee. Yeahhhhhh!

I'm sorry OP. Maybe next time you should take the day off? Or at least...wear a diaper?

ShroomsOnAcid 16

Next time OP should take probiotics with the antibiotics to prevent that kind of problem. Since antibiotics kill the good bacteria in our bodies along with the bad, replacing them will greatly reduce the side effects. You can eat yogurt, fermented foods and drinks with live and active cultures, or you can take them in powder or pill form, although I'm not sure of the latter two's efficacy.

#17 I'm guessing OP went to the doctor to get those "powerful antibiotics". Which would lead me to believe the doctor already recommended the best things he could do to help avoid side effects.

Now that's a shitty situation. Cue the thumbs down.

Who cares if you pissed your pants. Sometimes on cold nights, I will pee the bed just to keep myself warm.

This has happened to me when I was on Vancomycin( I don't know if I spelled that correctly) along with red man syndrome when I was sick...

Sorry :( that must be so awful and humiliating.. But i guess those things blow over sms after a while you'll even laugh at it

hotPinklipstick 24

That would be so embarrassing. Sorry OP, this truly is a shitty situation to be in.

Redoxx_fml 22

Looks like the customer isn't the only one with a bad plumbing problem

I don't care how punny this is. I know that's a shitty situation.

olpally 32

Well we do care about how overused this pun is^ you'll get buried in no time.. as for op, that is really an unfortunate situation, fyl

wlddog 14

Someone wants you to solve their plumbing problem when you can't control your own plumbing problem???? Sounds like a shitty situation.

o.o whoa that sucks, on the plus side atleast it was in a basement and not in their living room..

Hahaha well mate, at least you have a story to share over a few pints now.