Bad customer service moment

By beernuts - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, due to the powerful antibiotic I was taking for a bad infection on my knee, I had no control over my bowels and shat my pants while discussing a plumbing problem in a customer's basement. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 281
You deserved it 2 301

Top comments

Talk about taking an arrow to the knee right? *prepares for an onslaught if thumbs down*

OP, I think you're the one with the plumbing problems in your basement.. you got a leak.


aww what a bummer. dont worry though. you will probably never see those people again.. unless they are your regular...

Kristoffer 35

I used to be a plumber. Then I took an arrow to the knee. It got infected and now I loose my bowels in customers' basements.

Sounds like that's a real plumbing problem you got there

This image is scarring to say the least... >.>

kshafer08 7

Sound like a shitty day. Hope that clears up for ya bud!

andrealovvve 17

Why would u go to work in the first place if that was goin on??

shadexilmaendu 4

Because not everybody gets unlimited sick days of course ;p sometimes it's either go to work feeling like hell or lose your job.