Building bridges

By fml - 22/05/2012 23:54 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I saw a psychiatrist for the first time. He asked me what had brought me there, so I said I needed to get over some issues. He told me to close my eyes and visualize myself constructing a bridge. I paid to get told to build a bridge in my mind's eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 626
You deserved it 4 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure that's not all he offered you -_-

Build a bridge... And get over it?? Haha


I'm sure that's not all he offered you -_-

kiran_fml 5

Yeah and anyways it's only the first session, you should go to one or two more before judging it.

exactly. usually they have a point with those methods

theten_fml 9

That's right If you don't learn to get over your issues at least you'll know how to construct a nice sturdy bridge.

beccaishereyay 11

Are your issues seeing the worst in everything?

Girlybanana 2

Is it suppose to say "what what brought me there?"

Picturing a bridge is a form of meditation the psychiatrist was getting you to relax . it's also suppose to help you subconsciously . try going a few more times and see if you improve . I just don't understand why you aren't seeing a therapist instead

tjv3 10

At least he didn't tell you to go to mammby pampy land you jackwagon lol

daisyismydog 3
DontModMeDammit 10

2: My diagnosis for you: Ignorance caused by a mild strain of Poor Vocabulary Comprehension.

I would tell you my diagnosis, but it isn't very pretty. Something called Buildus Bridgeus-itus. And a case of a strange therapist.

Paranoia itself isn't a disorder but is a sign of a mental disorder. There is however Paranoid Personality disorder which is a pervasive pattern of mistrust, suspicion and onset fixed delusions. I hate it when people like you jump to conclusions. Get get your facts straight buddy.

Another victim falls victim to the new american epidemic, PVC

PresAgent 23

That sounds kind of pointless. I think you should try another therapist.

MizzErikaHart 8

Not pointless, it worked for me

If OP is sitting there with the implications that the therapy is pointless and useless, then that's what OP ends up getting out of it

It's a psychiatrist, not a therapist! What's our education come to, in this world, where people are unable to differ both of them?

Therapists dont work. They have no clue what they are talking abt. They just ask pointless questions and give vague suggestions. I suggest u see a psychic instead.

Next time he'll tell you to paint his house. In your minds eye, of course. Or watch his kids.

Most things during therapy or counseling seem pointless. But they're not. If you were OP, would you rather him ask "how does that make you feel?" every two minutes and not really help with the issues at all, or would you rather be told to do things that could potentially be a stepping stone on the way to perfect mental health?

That was meant to be in reply to #3. So THAT'S where my reply went.

I think the point is that building an imaginary bridge is much more absorbing and difficult.

just think, he paid thousands of dollars and spent 12 years in school to teach you how to build that bridge. fhl lol

There are different techniques including psychotherapy which can be used in future sessions but a psychiatrist will not jump to using diagnostic tools and evaluation on the first session. This technique could be used to see how the patient functions.

Yeah, I'd hate to be paid lots of money to tell people to build a bridge in their mind.

Well, did you build a metaphorical bridge? If so, was it awesome?

Hey, imagination land needs a new bridge, and the psychiatrist wanted free labor.

Build a bridge... And get over it?? Haha

What do you want him to do for you? ._.

"So tell me how you feel..." *writes down notes*

That's a valid question. So many people seem to think their therapists are there to solve all their problems but that's not what it's about. OP, your doc is trying to get you to handle your issues in a healthy way. If you could get over your issues in one session, you probably wouldn't need therapy at all. Stop being hyper-critical and give it a try. You're like someone who goes to the doctor for weight problems and gets angry when he receives a diet plan. The first few times, you'll leave the same way you came. But follow the advice, stick with it, and one day you'll realise you feel a bit different or that some "issues" are now no big deal.

Op wants him to transform into a unicorn so that he can finally dress up like a giant Teddy bear and kick down doors. Unfortunately, this therapist lacks one thing: Frog legs.

It's all part if the process. At $300 an hour it'll be a LONG process.

When he starts humming London bridge is falling down....thats when I would be a little concerned