Building bridges

By fml - 22/05/2012 23:54 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I saw a psychiatrist for the first time. He asked me what had brought me there, so I said I needed to get over some issues. He told me to close my eyes and visualize myself constructing a bridge. I paid to get told to build a bridge in my mind's eye. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 626
You deserved it 4 706

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'm sure that's not all he offered you -_-

Build a bridge... And get over it?? Haha


Devin91 20

That's 40 minutes where you weren't thinking about your problems.

Hope you can get this bridge constructed on time and within budget. Tell the bill collectors to visualize you paying this bill when they try to collect in a few months.

Psychiatrists are supposed to prescribe drugs... Perhaps you should see a psychologist first, and then, if need be, get referred to a psychiatrist. You may have to visualise more bridges for the psychologist, though...

You do realize that your building a bridge to try to "get over" your issues, right?

Sounds like you didn't get the point....

you are aware Dr. Seuss isn't a real doctor right?

A lot of psychiatrists are quacks. I went to one: he handed me a candy bar, told me to hold it, then snatched it away. Then he handed me an apple, I knew what he was gonna do, so I held tighter. His words, "Your heart knew the apple was better for you, so it made you hold it tighter." I left about 10 seconds afterwards.

If you've only gone to one psychiatrist/psychologist, then what grounds do you have to say that "a lot" are quacks? The evidence you just provided for your statement is incredibly weak.

Maybe so u can use the bridge to get OVER it!! Get it?? Hehe