By wtf - 20/06/2011 07:43 - Canada

By wtf - 20/06/2011 07:43 - Canada
By ohyey - 29/01/2011 01:50 - Norway
By Anonymous - 16/04/2022 14:00
By life of cuck, never good enough - 05/10/2024 00:00 - United States - New York
By sickandtiredofit - 24/01/2012 19:50 - United States
By Nobody - 27/11/2009 21:39 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/06/2014 19:22 - United Kingdom
By Anonymous - 26/11/2011 05:54 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/07/2021 11:01
By Anonymous - 02/03/2022 04:00
By Shooter71 - 16/10/2010 04:09 - France
That is such bull shit!
spice up your night :) throw all the spices you have on the bed!!
...OP, perhaps she is... very... loyal. And your dick is unappealing.
don't listen to her, just whip it out & let the magic happen ;]
Oh women and their "I'm grown up now" phases. Can't they just have an "I wish I was young again" phase like men do?
62 I know! Now I only have 9 comments on that list!
2's comment was from an old FML post... someone did it as a joke!
40- you ought to be ashamed... shoving that beautiful machine amongst the boxes and old mattresses
81, you've obviously never ridden a Harley.
lame bro
lol. awesome
Abuela, every comment you post gets thumbed down for the extreme lack of hilarity, why must you keep trying?
160, wow I got no sense out of that at all...
y'all don't be mean to my qirl camartinez shea just be a qood qirl okay, you best not talk shytz bout my white qirl you hoes ! I pu peppa & oreqano in my bed to spice it up & it works! so bitxh please stfu
Jesus nobody has liked any of your comments, you've actually succeeded in getting three comments hidden -_-
#224 are you a transvestite... ? cuz it looks like you fail at that, as well as failing at a sentence that makes sense lol
267 their icon is actually a picture of Shane Dawson
Oh god buy a dictionary...
That definitely does not sound worth the money, time, effort, and hygiene.
"but babe I wanted to spice it up?" "guess you're going to have bland food then"
Wow, you're screwed.
Not really. It's safe to say she's getting it elsewhere... so he should too. Or think about getting a divorce, in which case OP would also get it elsewhere.
But OP isn't getting screwed.
He wishes.
3- No he's not.
Have fun with that.
u shud have sex wit me.
if the rooster isn't ****-a-doodling at home, it's ****-a-doodling somewhere.
Women, I'll never understand them.
Wait, I'll help you! When a woman isn't in the mood for sex for a couple of days/weeks/months/... or when she says she doesn't find sex important, chances are big that she's 'lying'. With 'lying' I mean that she is not not in the mood for sex (double negation ftw!) , but that she isn't in the mood for that specific kind of sex she receives. Many women prefer no sex instead of bad sex. And when is the sex bad, you ask? Well, mostly when she has the feeling that there is no(t much) intimacy. To avoid this problem, there is a simple solution called 'communication'. She needs to say what she likes, but, the partner also has to ask her preferences. It's very hard to say to your partner what you like in bed if he/she never asks for it.
doesnt help
Yeah. And you have a duck face. Your argument is invalid.
I disagree. that can be the case or life changes can happen that put sex at the bottom of the priority list and kill libedo. medications can also kill sex drive. the op never stated if the wife has had any major sudden life changes, is dealing with chronic stress, is on medication which might kill sex drive (antidepressants, some seizure medications, etc). she may be bored with the sex she gets from her partner or truly not interested in sex.
You do realize she's from Belgium right? Not The Netherlands.
^Google image dutch oven. Nothing to do with her nationality. I always read DjeePee's name as DJPeepee. That'd be asick DJ name. Anyways, I agree with her. Very few people grow tired of sex, they just grow tired of sex with that person. Find ways to fix it. However, it's not always fixable, and I think this is a valid reason for a change of status in the relationship.. I'm rarely one to say "divorce", but it's better than cheating or being miserable together. There's also taking some time apart, or having an open marriage, though i wouldn't call that a better solution. Start by talking, though. Try to fix it, don't just whine on FML..
An open marriage is not a marriage. It's both spouses cheating on each other in front of each other. With that said, I have to disagree about it being someone getting bored with their partner. I know that's sometimes the case but not always. I'm not bored with me and my fiancé's sex life in the least (it's ******* amazing) but I have the sex drive of a 50 year old woman. My doctor says a lot of women just have naturally low sex drives that have nothing to do with boredom whatsoever.
you DO know what a DUTCH OVEN is right???
I did talk to her about it. and I also told her I put it on here, she thinks it's funny and most of the ppl are morons. it doesn't say sex stopped...
Agreed with 69. If it's the same sex or just not that good then I'd get bored with it also and hardly find a point in doing it. Foreplay can always change that. Focus more on pleasing her and she'd want it all the time.
No women hit there sexual prim at early to mid 30's.
OP has your wife had a baby recently maybe? I know having babies can cause your sex hormones to go down
Wow you're an idiot. Men hit their peak late teens early 20s. Women hit theirs early to mid 30s. So don't claim to know unless you're a woman.
OR she could you know... be lying
it's common for young men to think women are in their peak at a young age, because they themselves are. however, it's not true... at all. women reach it in their late 30's to 40's. happened to me and every one of my women friends.
that's unfortunate..
you're beautiful!
back to the old fleshlight.
or a sock....
**** her in the ass while she's sleeping
Wow, you're screwed.
sounds like she IS getting it elsewhere...