By jack s.b. - 14/11/2013 22:15 - United States - Austin

By jack s.b. - 14/11/2013 22:15 - United States - Austin
By Cynical - 30/03/2009 03:49 - United States
By unknown - 13/12/2011 02:04 - United States
By Anonymous - 22/07/2017 05:29 - United States - Irving
By Hard in flip flops - 21/01/2018 06:00
By Jill Shanks - 01/09/2010 06:16 - United States
By wtf - 16/05/2014 22:25 - Australia - Narangba
By GoldenTornado11 - 10/05/2017 14:00
By Lockedinroom - 05/02/2013 16:18 - United States
By me. - 29/10/2011 04:43 - United States
By jesus christ, dad - 06/09/2013 16:48 - United Kingdom - Manchester
How do you jack off weird?
28, you look like a brunette Taylor Swift.
16, are you speaking from experience?
I believe #16 was referring to a previous fml. In which someone walked in on their brother whacking off to My Little Pony
with his feet
I was thinking OP was doing something even goofier than that, 63. Like uh, maybe trying to pull of a pile driver on his own. Squatting, pointing his dick towards the ground and half jump plowing into a little hole he made with both hands. Just something completely ******* ridiculous. If I saw my son attempting a move like that, every single girlfriend he's ever had would hear that story. Haha.
or maybe he wore a wig and lipstick drew a face on his member named it and was calling it a dirty *****..
He could have been doing the "firestarter" maneuver.
#69 what kind of messed up **** do you watch?
Dammit OP, it's either Pamela Handerson, or Miss Palmer; not both at the same time.
I think it's a little more weird that your parents are discussing your jacking off skills.
At least they laugh about it, I've heard of some parents who sent their kids to church camp because they got caught jacking off...OP's lucky they didn't freak haha
It's still a little odd. But it could be worse!
Remember the South Park episode where Butters got sent to gay camp were the motto was "Pray the gay away" and when he visited some of the rooms the students attending had killed themselves. Or am I on the only person that remembers that whole episode off hand. And the Awesome-O episode.
As a (newer) parent myself, everything your kids do gets discussed. Makes me wonder about the discussions my parents must've had about the shit I did as a kid...
I think OP should ask his dad for some tips since his dad must be a "pro" at it.
How do you improve your "technique"? the only thing I can imagine is screaming...... well some candels would be fine, lol idk.
Yeah I know, I mean how long do you have to watch someone wank to know they do it "weird".
Best term for masturbation I've ever heard.
five knuckle shuffle... ... I'll have to keep that term in note. That was great.
#5- I'll never look at John Cena the same way again.
Lol!!! Wow! I will not either, now that I've read your comment # 5 Haha!
Is that like the dougie?
#8 I prefer dishonourable discharge..
My question is why does your dad even care?
Probably because he wants grandchildren. And if his son jerks off weird well.... you can imagine.
What does jacking off even have to do with grandchildren?
If you jack off too much it affects relationships and therefore you will not have children or grandchildren
There are some people that like to hang themselves while jacking off (for me that's weird) and maybe.. well I guess I got out of the topic.
#110 That was the silliest thing I have ever read and believe me when I tell you I've read some dumb shit
I think everyone jacks of weird cuz like jacking off is weird, fun but weird lol
I think my IQ just dropped several points by reading that.
Lol 10, what drug are you on today?
He's just high on himself.
It's a natural thing to do its not weird. I don't know where you have been, but masturbating has been going on for thousands of years.
Lol a very strange thing to say. Pass the butter and by the way our son jacks off weird. Why was he even looking?
Maybe OP jacks off in a way that is actually weird? If I walked in to my son masturbatig while hanging upside down from the ceiling and watching a dolphin ********** with a decapitated fish, I'd be pretty weirded out, too.
I think it's a little more weird that your parents are discussing your jacking off skills.
How do you jack off weird?