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By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - Canada

Today, I tried to discipline my two year-old son. Whenever I do this, he starts pointing and imitating me, and I can't help but laugh. This explains why he never listens to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 761
You deserved it 38 517

Top comments

Awee that's so cute. And disrespectful. But still sooo cute... Wait till he turns 13 it won't be so funny anymore. Lol. :)

This reminds me of the time my brother put baby powder down his pants and when my mom spanked him baby powder flew up everywhere and she couldn't help but laugh. Haha thanks for reminding me of that:)


Awee that's so cute. And disrespectful. But still sooo cute... Wait till he turns 13 it won't be so funny anymore. Lol. :)

This reminds me of the time my brother put baby powder down his pants and when my mom spanked him baby powder flew up everywhere and she couldn't help but laugh. Haha thanks for reminding me of that:)

Quite the intelligent individual, your brother is.

Aww, puppies do that too, when u get mad they wag their tales, they know they're cute.:)

dcg1375 7

^^ I love puppies but that was a terrible analogy.

That's not cute in any way what so ever. Kids like this need to be given an attitude adjustment BEFORE they get older.

If my either of my kids did that, I would beat their monkey asses.

John Cena hasn't rap battled in like 7 years where have you been TheIsland?

76- oh no! a menace to society! but seriously he's 2. he won't be stealing cars anytime soon. the kid is just pushing his boundaries, as 2year olds do, and OP needs a new discipline tactic (like timeout or confiscation).

RockstarRN 10

He's 2!!!! You can't give a 2 year old an attitude adjustment! Apparently you are in desperate need of a parenting class!

And bring Randy Orton. All he has to do is throw his tantrum, the poor child will be scared.

Ok... You've obviously never been young

lolmonster34 0

I don't know why you would but anyway that would be pretty awesome

reebokkid123 14

Teach him by playing charades then..

DigitalFusion 4

Spanking isn't abuse. One of the biggest issues today are kids that weren't punished properly because parents are afraid of being accused of being abusive. That's my generation. I was spanked as a child, you can tell who hasn't. Those are the ******* hoodlums running around thinking... Scratch that. KNOWING that they are near untouchable. 90% of the people I arrest are around my age or slightly younger.

dcg1375 7

Slapped and spanked are completely different. Something about hitting in the face is so disrespectful no matter what the reason. Spanking I agree with. I spanked my kids when they were younger "when it seemed necessary". Since then I have never had to really discipline them like that again. They are 11 and 9 and such good kids. However, they know that spanking is still an option if needed. I think there is a balance between spanking and time outs. Just one or the other is not the solution. Plus never spank when you are angry.

Spanking can be abusive. I know it made me rebel against my parents more. My dad used to use his whole strength to whip my ass with a belt. (At age 12) When I got older I was like, 'F#CK YOU!' and stood up for myself and it doesn't happen anymore.

Jakesterk96 8

Then what? Why don't you finish your...

But whipping and spanking are pretty different. Spanking is different because when you spank the bottom of a child, it doesn't hurt as much as their back or face. I know that spanking is kinda sketch, since it is basically hitting your child... But as long as you don't spank a child when you are angry and you have the child understand why they are being punished before and after you spank them. But like other commentators have said, you can't just do one or the other; it has to be a blend of time outs and spanking. I would never spank, let alone beat with a belt, a child that is over 8 or 9! That seems ridiculous to me.

missyaxel 0
reebokkid123 14

Still. I can understand spanking with your hand or something, but not a belt. Honestly, my being punished scarred me for life. The memories I have of it are horrible. Every time my sister or me get in that type of trouble, I can't stand the sound. The crying and screaming? It's scarred me. So I would say to not use belts.. To me, that's wrong.

I would love to make a witty comment but I just can't think of one. EDIT: Still can't. Sorry.

#23 - He probably wanted his witty comment to end up near the top of the page so people could see his cleverness, and was planning to edit it in once he thought of it. However, since you can only edit for two minutes, he ran out of time.

Lol that 'joke' was so bad but still made me laugh for a retarded reason

redhedsaysrawr 18

I pictured a mother as I was reading this...

As did I. But then again, no gender was specified.

valdancer99 0

Aww. He will hopefully grow out of that!!

You need to train yourself to start keeping a serious face.

Or just beat the kid. It's easier, and good fun for the whole family

GoW_Chick 14

Is that Hasbro's new slogan?

I thought it was the new campaign for people to take foster children in. 28

Dark vader voice * I am your father*

GoW_Chick 14

*Nerd alert* It's 'Darth Vader' you Nerf herder.

14 and 15- I heard its actually dark vador in France but unless they're in France screw this post.

audiophileMom 11

8, that's cute. Sad but cute.

K_kanaka 26

Hehehehehehehe cute kid. Don't worry he's just at that age where causing trouble is fun he'll grow out of it.......hopefully.

GoW_Chick 14

Kids can get away with anything when they use their cuteness to throw you off, and you can't help but laugh followed by an "awww".

xSonic 9

The cuteness should only be excused for toddlers......Otherwise they end up being pricks. Then it isn't so cute anymore