By vixiecat - 15/02/2012 19:33 - United States
vixiecat tells us more.
lol I felt so retarded. it was a Fuel concert in my small hometown. I immediately started looking up ways I could recover the photo. I'm still facepalming over it today.
Top comments
Keypads? I'm more of a printing press kinda guy myself! Texts only take a spliffy to send and receive!!! Spliffy: noun, 1578 eng. Def#1: a word used to describe a short amount of time relative to a three month horseback exchange.
"Today, I got my hands on some meat..." is what I first read.
#29 Me too lol.
I'd laugh if it was some unknown band
you clearly know no one with a blackberry...
Welcome to the internet, 63. Intentions are often difficult to communicate here, without sacrificing the integrity of the joke. Sometimes you are left to choose between making sure you get your point across, or leaving the joke as is, and praying to the full range of made-up deities that people would catch your meaning. These types of misunderstandings are how a lot of pointless arguments are started, and I guarantee that if the readers choose not to take everything so seriously, most of them can be avoided.
11 u need prove . There is no point to have the memory but NOT the pictures common.
Wasn't #1 a joke because he may be using an iphone or ipod touch :o
Don't worry 69, some of us got it. We aren't all that retarded. It seems 26 also caught the brunt of the "derp" movement.
giggity goo!
69 - True that! +10000 Then again: Welcome to the internet where there ARE many idiots and you might never know which case it is...
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44- I read your profile and thumbed up your comment
You guys are allm ******* sidiots howe harnd is iyt to avohd pugsing a foew buttisns thst sare a lurtle clise tigerher on a touchscreen? That's how fast I type when I'm angry.
For some reason I was thinking of a polaroid camera photo. Then I realized it isnt the 90s anymore
*facepalm* is okay bro
Oh the 90's, the good ol' days. Wait I was born in '96...
Aren't you a little too young for this site ? -_-
Your comment goes great with your picture
16 is to young for fml ... Really?
Actually my friend has Polaroid photos of a concert we went to a couple days ago, they turned out great.
Well, if you can't tell the difference between to and too, then yes, you are probably too young. @88
Screw grammar nazis! Those with bad grammar and spelling, untie!
*unite. AHAHAHA~
They still make Polaroids?!
Aren't you a little too uptight for this site? I mean seriously... 16, that's almost a legal adult around here... Get a grip, please
I hardly think 16 is to young maybe 12 but not 16
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Show it anywayCaution: irritating Kodak moments may cause you to need prozac! Err...'prozak'?
They love you long time.
It's okay. We all get thumbed down at some point. *sighs pathetically*
I embrace it!
Should have gone back!
Maybe there is a way you can recover it...there are trash bins in some phones. But that's a FYL for sure
It's not an actual computer
37, Actually it is. Like any computer, information can be restored so long as it has not had anything new saved over it.
37 - Actually most smartphones are basically. They have processors, memory and (in this case most importantly) a "hard drive" as well. They're just really small computers with built in monitors. So a trashbin would be very possible and in fact a very good idea.
The data is still stored, but might not be accessable without doing it "manually"
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Show it anywayOh my GOD his picture. Why did I click to zoom???
I think the only reason I always have negative votes is because of my profile picture. Awesome
Not trying to burst your bubble, but after a certain age, Al...terations can occur causing memory loss. Al...ways is quite a long time if I remember correctly.
Nope, because now it never happened. "Pix or it didn't happen" is a real phenomenon, not just a stupid phrase trolls use.
No pictures didn't happen.
Ooh ouch. That's why I go with old fashioned cameras, the only way to delete those pictures is to expose them to sunlight!

For some reason I was thinking of a polaroid camera photo. Then I realized it isnt the 90s anymore
Danm those small keypads!