By mfischer - 16/11/2012 09:40 - United States
mfischer tells us more.
I was wearing regular jeans. I do occasionally wear skinny jeans, but nothing like this ever happened.
Top comments
Because complaining about a bad comment is just as bad as posting said comment.
Safe to say something, somewhere doesn't want you to have children, but seriously FYL man has to hurt like a bitch.
...and that's where the people on idiocracy got the idea for the show "ow my balls"
Sorry guys, I'm just sick of seeing stupid puns everywhere:')
At least your girlfriend came.
Man you got some balls to call puns stupid! Are you nuts? Don't be hanging on the puns man. OP hope you get better. Don't get blue. Hang tight, you'll get better quickie.
Do your balls hang low? Do they wobble to and fro? Can you tie them in a knot?. ...
Can you tie them in a bow?
No, I cannot. That sounds even more painful than what already happened.
Sex change
OP must have some low hanging balls. Maybe he should invest in briefs or a jock. Something more supportive. Or better yet, a jock with cup. Prevents sitting on them AND nailing them on something.
I myself love a good pun. Keep 'em coming =)
not much of a ball handler eh, me neither.
77- ...isn't that a jock strap?
Evolution needs to hurry up and give us some kind of bone structure protecting our balls.
An under the butt nut hut?
Go home, go to bed, start again tomorrow....that sucks.
Well, I'm wearing skinny jeans, and being a male, I can tell you that there are some pros and cons. Yes, it does get a tad uncomfortable, but girls, think of skinny jeans as like a sports bra for guys junk. They hold it in place and protect or reduce the damage dealt.
I was wearing regular jeans. I do occasionally wear skinny jeans, but nothing like this ever happened.
170: What does that fact have to do with anything? Are you implying OP is gay?
1, that's the best thing I've heard in my life. OP, I would invest in a cup. That nut not have went over well. You could say it's a pain in the SACK.
he doesnt need a cup, some sliders would probably be just fine
Well 1 was amusing, but if that's the best thing you've heard in your life, you should get out more.
Why would I wear a cup to go eat? I was drinking from a coffee cup, does that count?
God needs to stop sending me signs I don't need then. I had, and still have no plan to reproduce in the immediate or even semi-distant future. The beard stays though.
You kind of look like you'd be caught on to catch a predator OP
At least now you're ready to be in Jackass. You should at least sign up for a roll in the Nutcracker, after that performance.
Woops, sorry. Wish I could say typo but no, awful spelling on my part, thanks for the correction.
I thought "roll" was a subtle pun involving balls....
or..."ow my balls" from idiocracy
You are a genius
And #66, you're a suck-up.
Why is everyone on this site so rude? Seriously it drives me crazy sometimes
The Internet is home to the troll. Those kids or people who lack the confidence or ability to say what's on their mind in person. So they try to start something with someone they don't know then blaming the victim for taking them seriously or just tear them a new virtual ass hole. It's a vicious circle
And then self-righteous people pretend they wouldn't do the exact same thing by attempting to frame Internet user's insecurity.
Sounds like you're the type who should wear an athletic cup to protect the mcnuggets from your constant clumsiness...
His nuts must be weirdly flopping and positioned because first they hang too low where they get sat on. Then too high up where they are crushed on his lap. And randomly exposed to corners
It says he readjusted.
sliders would work just fine (I dont even wear a cup in rugby js)
Is this the first day with your new equipment or what
I suggest you take a week off. It seems a fertility goddess has assumed a personal vendetta against you.
I was never into the idea of karma, but this series of events has me reconsidering. This can't just coincidence; OP must've done some screwed up stuff to earn this.
Love how Welshite and Doc said basically the same thing, he gets -1, Doc gets +9. FML commenter logic.
48- I say it's because Doc mentioned bubble wrap. Who doesn't love that stuff?
Hmmm, I DO love my bubble wrap.... Okay, you win. I'll get you next time...
That was the universe telling you to wrap yourself in bubble wrap and go back to bed. You're clearly not meant to be out today.
idk the universe might just be **** blocking him
3rd times the charm so he should be ok now.
That's pretty much exactly what I did.
OMG, OP actually commented.. Lol first time I've seen that :P

Ohh nuts! FYL
Three strikes, no balls . . . you're out!