By NotInTheRightPlace - 17/03/2014 18:18 - United States - Falls Church
Same thing different taste
By foreveralone - 13/01/2014 01:00 - United States - Franklin Park
By rejected4ever - 14/02/2012 18:29 - United States
By Username - 16/12/2011 06:31 - Canada
By clashgurl8449 - 17/02/2011 08:08
By Anonymous - 21/02/2023 14:30 - India
By Anonymous - 15/09/2018 13:00
Shit eating grin
By lame - 31/12/2009 05:02 - Canada
By Wheresthecreamfilling - 03/11/2016 06:03
My chocolate
By oops - 31/12/2019 05:00
Leave me alone
By notgivingup - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States
Top comments
Depending on what you're in court for, the chocolate wrapper may be right.
How dare she! That's worst than stealing a cookie from the cookie jar!
Chocolate and stealing balloons? Does OP live in Bikini Bottom?!
I'm surprised no one have recollections of spongebob episodes when Spongebob feels Bad about stealing a free baloon and when him and Patrick sells chocolate at people's doors.
#33 - That's the point. The jokes are obvious.
#33- sorry for having to point this out, but that was the purpose of the joke...
Murphy's law? ;-)
...has nothing to do with this?
You've got a point there :(
Nope it's the scale that's the liar.
Chocolate makes everything better.
join the dark side, same wrappers but it's at least somewhat heart healthy.
No where does it say OP did a crime.
No OP just went to court cause it sounded like it'd be a fun time
Jury duty maybe?... Or better yet, OP is a justice. :)
OP could be a lawyer or witness...
or a plaintiff
I have to appear in a court room to legally change my name. is changing my name a crime?
Chocolate that can predict the future? Nice! I guess fortune cookies are out, then.
Maybe it's a sign that you are doing the right thing. Think positive, OP. It could mean some good luck. :)

Depending on what you're in court for, the chocolate wrapper may be right.
OP stole a balloon on free balloon day