

About Paulslittleangel

My name is Jessica Brown, I'm 15 going on 16 and I'm currently a sophomore. My birthday is on December 19. I have a brother his name is Michael Brown, he's 17, and a senior. We both go to Cypress Lake High School and we're both in the center. I'm dating the most amazing guy in the whole world. His name is Paul Gavin and he's a senior at Cypress as well and also in the center. Paul, Michael, and I are part of the Marching Pride Marching Band at Cypress. My life is music, everything I do has to do with music. I'm a vocalist and I compete in competitions all the time. I love my brother, boyfriend, and friends. All of them make up a whole new family for me. I'm the kind of person that if you mess with that family, I will mess you up. Protect until the end is the way I see it. I know they would do the same for me. Thats just the way it is, sorry if you think thats wrong but I don't care. I love you guys!!!!!!!!!

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Paulslittleangel's FML badges

It's in the can!

Hey, you uploaded your photo, and you’re cute as a kitten!

Consolation prize

Your FML was denied. We had to at least give you a badge to cheer you up a bit.

The thumb strikes back

You have left your thumbprint on 2500 comments.

The return of the thumb

You have thumbed 5000 comments.

Keen reader – Level: student ninja

You have voted for 15% of the entire collection of FMLs to date.

Keen reader – Level: master ninja

You have voted for 50% of the entire collection of FMLs to date.

Keen reader – Level: godlike ninja

You have voted for 100% of the entire collection of FMLs to date.

One more and it's business time

You've received 68 Hugs on your profile. Kinky.

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