By Rick - 28/07/2011 10:51 - United States

Today, I got into an argument with a militantly feminist co-worker of mine. She threw several vulgar insults at me and debased the entire male gender before storming off. I'd only asked if she needed help while she was doing a crossword. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 940
You deserved it 5 228

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ng7899 0

feminists are so stupid. I'm all for women's rights, but they take it about 100 levels too far.


hoodasswhitekid 0

might be time to pull a Chris brown

bravesfan112233 0
Casuality 6

Yeah, it's probably the time of the month...

tell her that men are superior at crossword puzzles, point out that without men reproduction is impossible, then ask the bitch to stick a tampon in it and make you a sandwich.

cudi504 4

how many feminists does it take to change a lightbulb? haha trick question feminists cant change anything

cudi504 4

what does a tampon and a feminist have in common? they're both stuck up bitches

MerrikBarbarian 9

google whip tailed lizards and see how essential men are to reproduction. if lizards can evolve not to need them... give humans time :p especially now we have cloning technology and can create life on a computer

Women can be some crazy bitches sometimes.

TheBrickWithouse 10

wow, she sounds like a real "See You Next Tuesday". FYL indeed.

guitargoddess89 3
ng7899 0

feminists are so stupid. I'm all for women's rights, but they take it about 100 levels too far.

StopDropNRoll 11
MerrikBarbarian 9

true feminists are for equal rights, not greater rights. some women get confused over this. I'm a feminist, but I wouldn't support anything giving women power over men

rofflewaffle 9

Yeah, she really needs to grow a pair!

tybtab 5

i think we can all agree that she already is a butch?

I'd kick your ass if you told me to man up.

seriously, you're not using any proper grammar.