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A long way to go…

By Anonymous - 18/11/2012 18:40 - Latvia - Riga

Today, while giving a lecture on gender equality in the workplace, a woman yelled from the back, asking me why I'm not out starting a war somewhere. I stopped talking and tried to pinpoint her in the crowd, which she took as a sign to snort and call me a pussy. Nobody would back me up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 220
You deserved it 2 766

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Call her out. "COME SAY THAT TO MY FACE, BITCH! No? Well you should try some of my famous Shut the Fucupcakes, then."


Should've started that war by telling her to go put the kettle on!

Wouldn't that have defeated the point of the speech though? Regardless of what the woman said.

25-but what you said ruins the point of the joke.

Apparently if he started to shove her around, she wouldn't be able to say anything because he'd just be doing the same crap her son did. That lady is an idiot.

#41... I think you are referring to the wrong fml... Lol.

Kn0wledge123 21

It's those type of females that get the bus driver uppercut.

Misogyny is ridiculous in this day and age. Good luck at work!

psychotics101 9

Sorry bud. Misandry is what you mean

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pedosmurf 7

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That's not a double standard, nimrod. If a woman sexually harasses a man, she gets corrected too.

StalkerChick 13

18- Depends on what culture you look at. Some cultures have a matriarchal society. I doubt those women have it worse.

pedosmurf 7

I meant like a joke he could tell his guy friends and it would be ok but if he told a woman it would be different

Life has always sucked for everybody in different ways. While being second class citizens and having limited opportunities in life is shitty, I'm sure being the people who always have to go to war and being last in line to get off a sinking ship is no picnic either. We should always be mindful of and diligent in equalizing as much as possible the inequalities that both genders face.

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51, Yes, as a female US Navy sailor, I'm well aware that women go off to fight wars and that ships are required to have sufficient life boats. Obviously though, in modern civilized cultures such as mine, women are not second class citizens and have near-equal, if not totally equal, opportunities for education and career pursuits. I was obviously referring to historical times past. I suggest you reevaluate who is the idiot in this conversation.

51- Why don't you go ahead and look up female casualty rates and compare them to the male ones. Also women don't ever get drafted.

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65- No. Misandry is a word to describe what happens when a woman asks for a divorce (which is the case in the majority of divorces) and takes a huge amount of the family's money and possessions with her, even if the husband has earned almost all of it himself, and still gets main custody of the children (9 in 10 instances).

ClassyCommando, it's sad to see someone so bitter about women at such a young age.

I'm not bitter. I'm pointing out an example of a situation in which men are often discriminated against. Are you going to give a counter-argument or just insult me?

It wasn't intended as an insult; I just thought you came across like a man 3 times your age who had given up on women after yet another failed relationship.

Wow, some of you girls are so ridiculously uneducated . It's horrifying.

They were probably scared to death by the foul mouthed heckler woman. I know I would pipe down as soon as she started rolling.

mvc3ftw 17

What if she was a grammar nazi as well? -shudders-

Women are strange sometimes- maybe she's mad she has to work?

Hey! OP is talking about about gender equality so you should also say men are strange sometimes too. Geez, women.... :D

thejewishfuhrer 17

19 I was just thinking about how much I hate your comment, no offense.

bobbybill0519 7

People have absolutely no respect

This is an exact reversal of the FML when the woman giving a presentation was told to get back in the kitchen.

Call her out. "COME SAY THAT TO MY FACE, BITCH! No? Well you should try some of my famous Shut the Fucupcakes, then."

every1luvsboners 11

That's your queue to strip naked and start masturbating like a crazy meth-head monkey ****** in front of everyone. When all else fails: **********

I don't think masturbation is the best solution...

Booner's return is a truly wonderful grace on FML, indeed.

the_enigma1019 1

We missed you boners. (or most of us did, at least)

KiddNYC1O 20

Wow, I remember Boners from my earliest days browsing FML.

tehaustiebear 34

Violence is never the answer But in this case, I would grab the nearest object and chuck it in her general direction

So...violence is NEVER the answer... Except for THIS situation? O.o