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History matters

By student101 - This FML is from back in 2014 but it's good stuff - United States - Sun Prairie

Today, I got a history project back that I worked very hard on. The teacher didn't bother to write any feedback, besides, "Did you even understand the assignment?" on the back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 048
You deserved it 6 685

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it possible that you answered the wrong question or something? I've done that, where I've gone off on such a long tangent it seemed like I was writing a different essay, and the rest was History.

Leave it back on your teacher's desk with a message: "did you even understand my essay?"


Is it possible that you answered the wrong question or something? I've done that, where I've gone off on such a long tangent it seemed like I was writing a different essay, and the rest was History.

teachers are assholes sometimes OP Better luck next time.

meli1195 31

Are you one of those people who blame their failing grades on the teacher even though you know you deserve that bad grade?

There's nothing worse than those people. Give a teacher a hard time for doing their job and then complaining about getting a low grade when you didn't even do your work. Some people are so entitled that they don't realize education is a privilege and think good grades should just be handed to them.

One of the teachers I had graded on what she thought you deserved, rather than what you got. I got a better grade than I should have sometimes, but also worse other times. It seemed to even out in the end.

That's not entirely true, #50. When I was in year 7, I had the worst English teacher I'd ever had, and despite listening in class and revision, I got terrible grades at the end of the year. The next year I had a much better teacher, and I got much higher grades.

Leave it back on your teacher's desk with a message: "did you even understand my essay?"

My English 104 prof once wrote "This NEEDS citation" beside the line "Mary Shelley was a prominent literary figure of the Victorian era" on an essay of mine... She also docked me a letter grade on said essay for that line. Sometimes you just can't win.

#52: hate to break it to you, but your prof was right. Any statement like that should be supported by a reference to evidence. Just because an author or artist is well known now, doesn't mean they were prominent or even known in their own time

Yeah but that was in a beginning English class. I'm in law school and my professors will just stop reading if I have a sentence that isn't properly cited, but that's okay because I expect to be held to a higher standard now. An English 104 teacher should be more chill.

If your 100-level teachers never held you to things like citations, you wouldn't be able to do them now in your higher-level classes. Your English professor did the right thing to prepare you for the future.

Yeah preparation is good, but losing a whole grade beacuse of that one mistake? That's way too harsh for just one mistake.

Rainhawk94 27

Ask if theres a possibility for a re take,if not,take advantage of extra credit opportunities

that sucks OP I'm sure you did okay, your teacher it's just a prick. I'd probably punch him in the face

Violence solves everything~! Of course, words don't.

what if OP's teacher is a woman? you wouldn't want to punch her in the face, right?

mansfield_j 27

See I used to think the same way, but then I found out that I had two teachers with military background in the Marines, not always the best thing to do

This makes me think of that old FML where OP wrote hours long on a history assignment about Prussia but the teacher had asked to write one about Russia...

Switch the words "Russia" and "Prussia".

it was a coin toss, and I lost the draw :(

Russia and Prussia are nothing alike. That would not work.

ShadowlessSpear 21

Even if you didn't understand the project he should of still given feedback on what you did wrong, some teachers just want to watch your grade burn

If OP didn't understand it then the only criticism which could be given is that it's all wrong which is pretty much what the teacher said.

Hm reread the assignment and the work you did, if it still makes sense to you then go up and talk to your teach. Maybe he/she just misinterpreted what you wrote and when you explain it, you could get some points back.

That's not how it works. Essays must be clear and concise, and the points easy to understand. It is highly unlikely that op will convince the teacher to change the grade...

"Worked very hard" has such a different meaning in today's world I feel.

That's why they changed it to, "Work smarter, not harder."

If you are going to work hard then you should also do the assignment right.