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By nurseITHINKNOT - This FML is from back in 2011 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I finally started my job as an in-home caregiver. The man I was hired to care for died two hours after I made it to his house. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 798
You deserved it 3 947

Same thing different taste


Marianette 0

I guess that means you need a new job.

A100893 30

...You aren't the Grim Reaper are you?

Oreo_Cookie813 0

OP sorry you brought death with you :'( sucks for you cuz the man's life was already f'ed...

Ya, but did you still get paid for the full day?

Lynzwood 0

I hate when I **** up new jobs lol! your job sucks! FYL

FMLsOhilarious 6

Okay and? That sucks but it wasn't your fault.

jayAZ 3

get used to it...that's why they pay better than most care/health jobs. If ya can't handle your clients kicking the bucket...find another job!