Dad jokes

By Anonymous - 10/10/2011 22:26 - United States

Today, I wore my brand new Wonderbra to school. When I got home, my dad looked at me and started laughing hysterically. Between breaths, he asked if anyone actually thought my chest was that big and said, "You know why it's called a Wonderbra? Guys take it off and wonder where your tits went." FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 225
You deserved it 27 878

Same thing different taste

Top comments

damnalltheasshol 0

o wow I'm sorry but that's hilarious

thrAsHeRr9081 16

Well, it IS false advertisement.


ive known that one 4 a long time its a classic

chickenlil2005 0

Yea..all you people saying she deserved it are ridiculous..her father is a creep for staring at her chest and even knowing enough about her breast size to say something like that. And a total dick for saying it anyway! Gah ppl..get some standards.

Not really. As has been pointed out, when you live with someone, you tend to subtly notice certain things such as general body size and shape. It's the same as noticing when someone loses or gains a lot of weight. And if she's a small girl whose chest suddenly ballooned in size, then I don't blame her dad for laughing. Speaking from experiences of seeing the same thing happen with a girl I knew, it's absolutely hilarious.

Her dad's probably like 17 years older than her and still hasn't grown up yet

I'm with 143 one her dad doesn't need to be creeping and people need to stop give her carp ....besides a little eye candy never hurt anyone lol

punkin_26 16

Why is her dad a creep? He's her dad!!! He made her! When she was a baby he bathed her and changed her diapers. Does that make him creepy too? Whats creepy is all the people who make it perverted.

chickenlil2005 0

If she's old enough to be wearing a bra, she's old enough to be respected by the man who is supposed to LOVE and PROTECT her. The last thing he should want to do is hurt her by being so insensitive and perverted. She's obviously not a little girl anymore, she deserves a little respect. And it's one thing to notice a change in someone's body, it's a whole different thing to comment on it, especially in a derogatory manner. Besides, he should be uncomfortable referring to his daughter's breasts. So yea, he is a creeper.

He wasn't really referring directly to her breasts to be fair, just the padded monstrosity they were wearing. It's a nicely put way of getting the message across, perhaps a little harsh, but from an outsiders perspective....? -> Lolworthy! :P He didn't say anything overly harsh, just poked a bit of fun at her... something she quite deserved, though perhaps he or her mother should have prevented it from occuring in the first place! Regardless, all arguments aside, top quality fail material :)

He's right, you know. Just start stuffing your bra with toilet paper and work your way up to the wonderbra next time. Oooorrrr, don't be so self-conscious about your natural body next time. That's why most of Hollywood could be melted down and recycled

SpeechQween94 14

Sorry, sweetie, but you kinda deserved it. Finding out that a girl's been lying about something like that is one hell of a turnoff for most guys. Be happy with what you have. If a guy actually cares that you've got a small chest, well, he's not worth keeping around anyway. And trust me, you don't want big breasts. They're more trouble than they're worth.

jsturaveragegirl 5

Haha that sounds like somethin my dad would say! It's true tho! Lol