Dude, WTF?

By cman - This FML is from back in 2010 but it's good stuff - Romania

Today, I was walking past a group of old men exiting a building. All of a sudden, I heard a strange splashing sound, and discovered one of the completely inebriated men walking behind me, pissing on my boots. I sped up, but so did he, and he didn't miss once until he was done. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 508
You deserved it 3 193

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You fail because you couldn't outrun an old drunk with his dick out. What? You got got square wheels on your wheelchair or something?

rosto16 0

I hope you smack the hell outta him!


kayPandastyle 15

WTF weirdo I agree beat that ass!!

Well hell that's where you kick him in the nuts and let him piss on himself.

YDI for being a pussy and just trying to walk away.

u deserve it for not turning around and punching that old man in his mouth.

kenyadoll 0
ducu 0

Buna, naspa tare de tot treaba asta...trebuia sa te intorci la el si sa lovesti unde era descoperit...atata tot si nu ai mai fi avut probleme.incredibil asa ceva...imi pare rau pentru tine si sper sa nu mai ai parte de asa ceva. Salut!

yeah you must not have a pair of balls cause if you had any self respect you wouldn't have just tried to run away, maybe at first but when he followed you, you should have done something about it

stechly21 0

And you LET this happen? I know drunk people can't really feel pain, but you could have tried to defend your integrity.