Hold me close

By chachi - 28/09/2009 18:25 - United States

Today, I awoke in bed with my boyfriend and his dog. After some pushing and prodding, I thought my boyfriend was trying to move the dog out of the way to cuddle with me. It turns out, he was moving the dog closer to him. My boyfriend would rather spoon with his dog than me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 121
You deserved it 6 749

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's probably slept with the dog longer than he's known you. So he's probably doing it out of habit. Neither FML or YDI.


"Today, I awoke in bed with my boyfriend and his dog." I thought this fml was going in a whole different direction after this first sentence...

He's clearly not a cat person, then. Otherwise... No, I'm not saying it.

TobyGus 0

well I guess not cause it sounds like u bitch about everything

I'll bet that gave the dog the Red Rocket!

YDI for thinking it's necessary to sleep in the same bed with him just because he's your boyfriend. Just be glad he loves his dog.

supagirl910 0

Dogs are important too. Dog=man's best friend. Would you rather he throw the dog of to spoon you? I bet you're not even worth it. Worst girlfriend ever.

theonly5050 0

He probly was asleep and thought it was you, not to say you look like a dog. but I inderstand your FML.

greatnt249 0

I voted YDI only because there's no "who the **** cares" option.