Overreaction much?

By soljaboy - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I had a date with this guy. I waited at the restaurant for an hour and he didn't show. Thinking he stood me up, I went over to his place and keyed his car. Then I realized the date was for tomorrow. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 171
You deserved it 154 401

Top comments

vag_fml 0

you key over being stood up? you're that desperate and drastic? you shoulda just found someone else, instead you turned into a raving lunatic criminal.

You're a loony. But, deny deny deny anyway.


Keying cars in general, regardless of what happens, is uncalled for.... Keying a car bc you think you were stood up for a date is probably an FML bc clearly your life is ******. It's called therapy, try it.

God did you still go on teh date with him?

rustyrox 0

You are a dumb bitch!!! I hope you pay for the paint job! I hope for his sake he doesn't date you!

pommeblossom 0


Wow. Just wow. I assume you'll be paying to get the damages repaired, then?

HAHAHA this will be a GREAT story if ya'll get married. "So about that time your car got keyed".

WHAT. A. BITCH. Seriously what kind of ****** up person automatically keys a car when they *think* they've been stood up? You didn't wait for an explanation or anything!! What if he was stuck in traffic or something? You have issues. Bad, bad issues...MENTAL issues. They have doctors, and support groups for people with your kind of logic. I hope he finds out you did that and sicks a hungry German shepherd on you.