By Sleep. - 27/11/2014 07:06 - United States - Imperial

Today, I finally got time to take a nap. Later, my mom asked me if I was depressed because I didn't leave my room for 3 hours. She talked to my dad about it, and now my family thinks I'm depressed because I slept for 3 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 495
You deserved it 2 753

Same thing different taste

Top comments

euphoricness 28

So... Tell her you took a nap and you're not depressed?

If they thuoght that, why didn't they check on you for those three hours and see that you were asleep.


A lot can happen in three hours. Like a fateful trip, perhaps? If not for the courage of the fearless crew...

They need to chill, three hours is nothing. My siblings and I spend all day in our rooms.

i slept for 14 hours and my family just blamed the computer

Its not just that but that nap was the last straw you are depressed

You should feel lucky the way your family obviously cares about you. Some people are actually depressed and their families don't figure it out until it's too late.

At least your parents care enough for you to be concerned about your health and such

My grandma would do the same thing! So annoying.


That's a family that cares to be honest