By koolkidx3 - 24/02/2010 21:28 - United States

Today, I had my final economics exam, and needed to ace it, or else I would fail the entire module. After studying all day yesterday, and pulling an all-nighter today, I managed to pull it off and get a perfect score. Unfortunately, my teacher didn't believe that it was possible, and accused me of cheating. Now I may be thrown out of college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 325
You deserved it 3 062

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Osakhomen 0

You can't be thrown out of college unless she has proof, if you didn't cheat, she probably won't have proof. They might ask you take another test to prove you know the material, so be prepared for that.

choosemusic 0


yoogurtisgood 0

I always have this fear! I'm always afraid to get 100s on tests because of this .. it's becoming a problem with me!

Unless you really cheated, you're fine.

MermaidSongXOXO 6

Tell your teacher that he needs to get laid and stop being such a stick-up-the-ass. There's no proof you cheated, and what teacher would give students a test that they thought would be impossible to get a perfect score on? I smell a lawsuit--- I must be an American :]

MermaidSongXOXO 6

And the difference is...... ? *P.S. I'm actually American, just so you know*

And that's supposed to make what you said okay? Give me a break. *rolls eyes*

Sorry, don't believe you. YDI for cheating, the only person I know who can pull shit like this off is me. You are not smart enough.

eazye81 0

dude. you're not going to not go to college for cheating. i got accepted into a bunch of california state schools with a cheater sign hung over my application. But failing econ would suck. but if the professor has no proof then he has to let the grade go.

(this is only to be done if you do get thrown out of college) if your teacher is a man, cut his balls off. if your teacher is a women, **** her in the ass. and if she likes it in the ass, cut off her nipples.(idk i couldn't think if anything that could match cutting of a guys balls). have a nice day

meluvsyou 0

p.s. widow-maker, you don't KNOW the OP. if you did, you wouldn't be able to say you're the only person you know that can do that :)

I have to say FYL and YDI. It sucks that your teacher thinks you cheated (unless you're lying to get sympathy from the FML universe). However, you kinda did this to yourself. No one's expecting you to have perfect grades in the class, but if you could put in the effort to kill yourself for 2 days in order to ace the final, you could have made a half-assed effort to get a decent enough grade (at least a C) so that passing wouldn't hinge on getting a perfect grade on that final. Honestly, you should have seen an accusation of cheating coming from a mile away.