By Laura - 03/05/2012 07:55 - France

Today, I saw my boyfriend spitting the mouthwash back into the bottle, because, "this stuff is really expensive." FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 42

Top comments


SnowWhite32 3

Oh my!! That's disgusting. Maybe you and your boyfriend should have your own mouthwash and NEVER touch his!!!!

I wonder if at expensive restaurants he spits out the food and eats it again, too.

No he spits it out and passes the plate to OP so they can "share" the meal.

I really hope you use different mouthwash than him.. Or you're going to go buy your own I hope!

Gross! He must be young. Sorry for you OP. Good luck with that. FYL

My former step father does it too, so no, it doesn't necessarily mean he's young. I don't know what goes on in their head for them to think it's not disgusting. : / unfortunately, I only realized my step father was doing it after I ran out of my own mouthwash and went into his bathroom to use his, took a swig and noticed little flakes of food when I put the bottle back down. Gag. Spit it out immediately and re-brushed my teeth.

This reminds me of a previous FML, except it was a room mate.

I think coming from a room mate it would have been more disturbing though.

Reminds me of the roommate FML from March who did the same thing. Do females ever do this?

Wtf? I commented like a minute before you, I come back to check for replies and my comment is gone >:/ but I agree, This is what I first thought of.

Shadow_Phantom 26

Well, I'm a female and I don't do this. It'd be against the point of even using mouthwash... ick.

Hmm, my comment confirming that I saw your post earlier also disappeared. How mysterious...

Steve95401 49

I'm afraid to ask how many times he reuses the mouthwash before he dumps it out.

mandadarling 10

Thats when you take a swig out of something he drinks out of and spit it back in there for him

lizzieislizzie 0

Haha my boyfriend does the same thing!

Michael_92 20

That's really sick. You should talk to him about that.

I bet he saves his toilet papers and recycle them to come on now you can tell us

99- your wrong use of too and lack of punctuation made me read that much differently than you hoped. Or at least I hope I read it wrong.