By Laura - 03/05/2012 07:55 - France

Today, I saw my boyfriend spitting the mouthwash back into the bottle, because, "this stuff is really expensive." FML
I agree, your life sucks 485
You deserved it 42

Top comments


In this economy how can you blame him haha, seriously though that's nasty

eman1972 4
jayisacooter 1

WOW - he is brilliant - SO what's your problem?? ????

Ew! Let him be cheap if he wants to OP, but I advice you to go out and get your own mouthwash from now on. Gosh, I know couples swap spit when they kiss, but this is entirely different o.O

Michael_92 20

Get your own secret bottle. That's just so so nasty!

KiddNYC1O 20

Cheap. Does he make you push his car to work as well??