By ouchiee - 07/04/2011 04:17 - United States

Today, I sprained my sternum in my rugby match. I now can't yell, laugh, cough, inhale or exhale fully, or sneeze without a sharp pain shooting through my chest. I have a pollen allergy, and sneeze every 5 or 10 minutes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 555
You deserved it 4 163

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A trip to the hospital may be beneficial.

Frelling 0

33, damn straight. Everyone knows they make rugby balls from pollen.


omg that's so bad and you can barley breathe or sneeze, if that was me I wouldn't go any were

Frelling 0

I didn't know rugby was played in the US, or by girls. That is pretty cool, always thought playing nearly the same game with helmets and padding was kinda wimpy.

Being a football player I'm gonna tell you straight out, my padding n helmet has saved my life couple of times. but there still are bones breaking. and rugby and football are played COMPLETLY DiFeReNtLy. just because we have pads doesent make us less manly.

and in rugby(which i have played) there are ALOT less nasty hits.

Frelling 0

lol, not tryin tp throw a hissy fit(even though it sounds like it. but just sayin. thanks for the tissue though :p

Frelling 0

43, damn you, you've changed the dynamic and made me look like the assgoblin.

you_freak 7

Chicks who play rugby are awesome!

I say fml to your life not because of your comment but because your stupid enough to think you can sprain your sternum! last time I checked it wasn't a joint

Casuality 6

Well, I hope you'll get well soon.(: I have no idea how much time it will take for it to heal but try to stay strong,if not for yourself -then for the people who love you. At least you still can breath, and I'm sure life has a lot of good things in store for you.

cptmorgan15 2

I bet you give pep talks to high school students in auditoriums.

You cannot sprain your sternum! You can bruise it, or strain/sprain the intercostal muscles. Oh and btw, even in uncivilised Africa we have access to pretty good anti-allergy meds!

RedPillSucks 31

Uncivilized Africa? Really? You're going to label an entire continent with nearly 50 countries all together?

redpillsucks, the above commenter is actually from south africa, and -- color me retarded if i'm wrong -- but it seems like they've wriggled a self-deprecating joke in there. >< respect. |the kid|