By SingleStrongArm - 03/05/2013 05:16 - Canada - Oshawa

Today, marks the third week in which my girlfriend has gone without taking a shower. She does this every so often, taking showers roughly once per month. She's convinced baby wipes will "hold her over". FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 686
You deserved it 9 762

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hiimhaileypotter 52

I don't think I could ever be with someone who doesn't value being hygienic.... That's gross.

That's nasty. Time to get a new girlfriend.


Invest in a water pistol and hopefully she will get the message! Or you could go the adult way and talk to her but that's no fun!

When I first read this, I thought you were telling the OP to-- talk to her butt. :P

RedPillSucks 31

I would say don't go there, but..., don't go there.

I know that everyone says that a good personality should be the first thing you look for in your significant other, but you must be a pretty mentally ****** up person if you can sit in your own filth for a month. I can't even go a day without showering without feeling weird about it. There is no way she doesn't have any vaginal infections and not only that she clearly doesn't care about you otherwise she would be keeping her appearance and hygiene up. She needs to go bro.

Not to fight her corner as I think it is disgusting to go so long without showering, but technically it isn't until women start to use products (shower gel, soap etc) that the bodies own natural bacterial order is disrupted and can cause irritation and vaginal infections.

Not to be rude 31 but I have never had soaps or body washes cause infection. Douches on the other hand do cause infection because it kills good and bad bacteria. I'm sure feces building up in her underwear will absolutely cause infections!

110- You're one person. Perhaps it doesn't affect you, or it is slowly destroying your pH balance. Also, it says she doesn't shower, not that she doesn't change or wipe her ass after ********.

172- you are making assumptions as I did, and to be honest, I don't give a shit. Also, I've been using soaps and body wash for 27 years. If it was going to affect my pH balance, I'm sure it would have happened already.

You guys both make sound arguments. I just want to add that there are soaps out there for sensitive skin specifically made for avoiding yeast infections believe it or not. Some people had different bodies and don't have to worry about it but others who are prone to yeast infections or who want to prevent themselves from ever getting one, I suggest looking into it.

Damn! How greasy is her hair? My scalp itches like crazy if I don't shampoo by the third or fourth day. :P

She uses her hair to shine up OP's car tire sidewalls. Mmmm! Shiny!

cukiemunstaaaar 10

Now is the time to run after her with the garden hose.

That's pretty gross. Teach her to be hygienic OP

When she asks you to kiss her were it stinks, do you become confused?

That is VERY gross, and unhealthy! OP you should say "Honey, you really need to shower, or I am leaving!" you also could take showers with her.

That is a great idea, but this whole FML seems like something a wife would say about her husband. Looks like this is a plot twist!! But really, you should entice her by taking showers together. I can't imagine what sleeping in the same bed would be like.

mangoboy1 19

Oh that's nasty-Cleveland Brown

Does she at least wash her face and brush her teeth, though? Anyway technically the human body can be unwashed forever.

Bigfabthetruth52 22

Interesting, does that make it not unhealthy and disgusting though?