By dayumm_shawtyy - 21/12/2009 01:29 - United States

Today, my boyfriend and I got into a huge fight. Instead of taking me home like he told me he was going to, he pulled up to the gas station, gave me $6, and asked me to go pay. As soon as I walked inside, he threw my bag out the door, and drove off. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 501
You deserved it 6 821

dayumm_shawtyy tells us more.

dayumm_shawtyy 0

alright. lets get a few things cleared, i never cheated. and he was already my ex boyfriend, we were just trying to work things out. he got pissed off because i told him i was done with his bullshit mind games, and if he couldnt make up his mind i was out of there. he couldnt handle the truth. then thats when the yelling started. the guy turns 19 in 5 days. i think every girl can agree he needs to grow some balls and handle things like a man, not a little kid

Top comments

DoomJeff91 2

If getting gas costs $6 where you live, your life is definitely not ******.

Uh, you meant to type ex-boyfriend, right?


EveryDayJackAss 0 old is he? seeing that this happened, you were probably better off not knowing him in the first place.

hahahahaha. wow. im sitting here in the at&t store and i literally laughed out loud. ha. fml. ydi though

fbp6277 0

And....he's still your boyfriend? Dump him dipshit.

Yes it takes two to fight, but she was willing to get out and pay for the gas he should have been willing to drive her home. To me it sounds like she was being fairly reasonable and he was not.

I like how some of you assume he's an ass. Maybe she's a giant **** with sand up her ****** and deserved it.

at least it was a gas station and not the middle of nowhere. And she got her bag

dayumm_shawtyy 0

what the **** does ydi mean? and chill with the B word, hes NOT my boyfriend. hes my ex.

It means "You Deserve It." Also, you were the one who called him "boyfriend" first when you wrote your FML. You should have said ex-boyfriend if that is what you wanted us to call him.