By Crazy09 - 08/04/2009 17:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me that she had an ultrasound tomorrow morning. With a confused look on my face, she said to me, "Don't worry, it's not yours." FML
I agree, your life sucks 122 361
You deserved it 6 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

Maybe she's a surrogate mother and forgot to tell you?

theshewolf 0

Ultrasounds can be used for things other than pregnancy.


I think she was TRYING to be funny...failed obviously or you wouldn't be here whining about it. Sounds like you don't know her well enough to be having sex with her at all if you're HERE questioning her fidelity to you or her overall virtue. If that's not why you posted this then you're just looking for sympathy by bashing her to strangers which is even worse! I agree with everyone that said you have ultrasounds for a multitude of things and its most likely she was speaking of one of those. For her sake...I hope she's not pregnant with your child! She would be so buy changing a newborn's diapers and yours!

How babby formed? How girl get pragnent?

Lovebug_Campbell 0

^Yeah, but why would she have said "It's not yours"? Unless she was totally trying to screw with his head.

How babby formed? How girl get pragnent?

No girl should make that kind of joke. It's horrible, especially when it involves them cheating. That's just despicable and lame. For your sake though, I hope it was just a joke.

Ok, so the only way she can KNOW "it's not yours" is if: A. They aren't doing it and she was going elsewhere to get her gap filled. B. She was pregnant before they started dating. This guy doesn't mention how long they have been together, so SHE MAY NOT HAVE BEEN CHEATING. That said, she still deserves a falcon punch. Pro tip: Make all your new girlfriends pee on a stick before you start dating them.

My guess is his girlfriend was joking and he knows this but thought it would make a great fml.

kellster 2

#19, you're a moron. Ultrasounds are used for LOTS of things. I'm guessing the OP's gf saw his stupid look at not realizing this (like you!) and was being sarcastic.

Ouch.. hope for you she was joking... and that the kid is yours ... wahahahah.... its more like FHL

hopefully she was just jokin altogether and there is no U.S