By Crazy09 - 08/04/2009 17:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me that she had an ultrasound tomorrow morning. With a confused look on my face, she said to me, "Don't worry, it's not yours." FML
I agree, your life sucks 122 361
You deserved it 6 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

Maybe she's a surrogate mother and forgot to tell you?

theshewolf 0

Ultrasounds can be used for things other than pregnancy.


She was probably making a joke...but shouldn't she have told you if she had some kind of medical condition that requires an ultrasound?

FuckmyPanties 0

Thank you #49, there's always an idiot who yells "Falcon Punch!" in every FML.

heatherryo 0

maybe she has a funny sense of humor. yanno.

sleepingprincess 0

lol great girlfriend.... but i agree it might be because of something else and she was just joking with you. For your sake i hope she was kidding.

balanceMMX 0

just make sure you don't beat up the father too badly- the kid deserves to have a daddy... :D

Well it all depends how long he's been dating this girl. As said earlier, she's had to have known for a while if its time for the ultrasound (I think the first one's at 10 weeks). maybe it was from before the relationship had begun. But either way, she should have told you sooner dude

why would she say "it's not yours" if it wasn't for pregnancy

interestingO_O 0

#51 I'm pretty sure she's a ***** either way..... O.o