By Crazy09 - 08/04/2009 17:43 - United States

Today, my girlfriend told me that she had an ultrasound tomorrow morning. With a confused look on my face, she said to me, "Don't worry, it's not yours." FML
I agree, your life sucks 122 361
You deserved it 6 568

Same thing different taste

Top comments

adelaide_evening 0

Maybe she's a surrogate mother and forgot to tell you?

theshewolf 0

Ultrasounds can be used for things other than pregnancy.


People need to make a judgement call on whether she was joking or is really pregnant. This one will always be divided because of that.

dk2008 3

ok, i know ultrasounds can be used for a multitude of things, but don't you think his girlfriend would have said '' don't worry, im not pregnant" instead of " don't worry it's not yours" ?

pinkducttape 0

^ not if she wanted it to be funny

Dukedj 0

Wow. What a bitch. Seriously, who does that? And on top of it all she makes it your problem basically because she tells you its not yours so that means that she wanted to involve you in the whole mess. I feel bad for you.

LenWK 0

That girl was probably not really your girlfriend, so YDI.

lady4 0

Some people on here are right. Yeah ultrasounds might not only be to detect if you're pregnant, but if the so-called-girlfriend clearly said "it's not yours" then? I say **** her and move on... You don't want to support a child thats not yours do you?

#9: youre an asshole for saying "you should kick her in the stomach" you should go **** yourself. dont bother by writing back saying "aw man its just a joke blah blah" youre not a woman therfore you will never experienece a miscarriage. One again, go **** yourself.