By pianonerd - 15/09/2009 06:16 - Canada

Today, my piano teacher told me that she "forgot" to inform me that she volunteered me to play a 5 page song in a recital in front of 300 people that's happening next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 937
You deserved it 3 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should get a few lessons from her without paying and then "forget" that you fired her.

Yeah, that's gonna be hard to pull of. But if you work hard and don't screw off, you could probably do it.


five pages isn't bad, if your playing chopsticks. if you play a really difficult son, it can take a while to learn it. plus he/she probably has school, hw, and a life.

5 pages isn't that bad, unless you are attending a really good university or attempting to get in to one, or you have a job really demanding job. Otherwise, stop complaining and practice.

Grow a pair and tell her NO ONE but YOU can 'volunteer' you for anything. Tell her to look up volunteer in the dictionary. Since YOU didn't volunteer for it, you do NOT have to do it. Doesn't matter how many pages or people.

BioMajor12 0

It depends what song, but try having to sight read 4 pages out of 6 in front of 200 people because your piano teacher "thinks that everybody would enjoy it" but forgot to inform you to practice it. Thank god im a good sightreader.

Uuum don't do it then. It's not like you signed a contract.

I would just go to the recital with a letter then turn and leave. "**** you. I'm not your bitch."

So don't show up? I fail to see the problem here. If you were volunteered and don't want to do it, either just don't go, or go and say something like, "My teacher volunteered me for this and didn't tell me until very recently. I have had no time to practice and my schedule has been hectic so you can thank my teacher for the lack of a performance at this time." Then walk away. You're just playing the piano, you don't really have a reputation to sully. I know how you musicians think you're the best people on Earth, but you're just another average person doing something you like. In other words, not a FYL, but not a YDI.

She has confidence in your skills :). Anyways if you aren't prepared don't go... why embarrass yourself in front of 300 people for something you didn't sign up for?

Here's what you do...this worked for me when I was in the exact same situation. Figure out the main musical theme of the piece and learn it. At the performance, improvise on it! Make it sound like you know what you're doing. Depending on the piece, modulate to the relative minor (or major) key about 1/3 into it and return for the end.