By Anonymous - 31/07/2014 16:24 - United States - Dallas

Today, my son said his first word. Unfortunately, that word was "cock." I've tried convincing myself that he's trying to say "clock" but I just can't do it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 237
You deserved it 7 763

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#11: And the classics weren't? Beauty and the Beast: Stockholm syndrome. The Lion King: murder your brother and marry his wife. AKA: Hamlet. The Little Mermaid: mutilating your body and changing to get the man of your dreams. Aladdin: steal stuff. Sleeping Beauty: don't become a seamstress. Also, necrophilia fixes everything. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves: because sleeping with seven men is sooo innocent. Alice in Wonderland: this is what being under the influence of drugs looks like, kids. And so on and so forth. Probably why I love the classic Disney films.


CurlyQute 17

One of the babies I know their first word was boob-boob

MrBoredomioo 18

I love puns, and I don't mean to peck on you, but face the truth, that was a fail.

lmaoo I feel you my 2 year old son's father taught him how to say booty so now anytime he sees someone bend over he screams "booty, booty, booty!" I guess kids just can't unlearn shit lol

My nephew says **** instead of clock.

was that word auyo corrected.. he might be saying cook..

How does autocorrect correct a person realistically, physically speaking? And why would it be an FML if he said 'cook' rather than male genitalia (or chicken)?

auto correct is on the listening end my friend.. how can a baby can say a word so clear that in the world no one can interpret it otherwise...

HammyBear13 8

51, as a parent of a 2year old, I can vouch for the crazy accidental things a toddler says. When a toddler is just learning to speak, he/she has no grasp of phonics or mouth muscle control, therefore forming words is intensely harder for them, and when the child does start speaking real words, they often mispronounce them. So cook or clock can easily be mispronounced into ****.

Drake_The_Dragon 23

Just another word for rooster.

My daughter's first word was shit. She belted it out from my mom's back seat when she picked us up from the airport, and had to brake hard.

my son's was and so was mine! the bitch is, explain through your choked back laughter that its bad!

He now knows the answer to the following questions/phrases: Where are you from? What's another name for rooster? Get out of the road, ********! The gun won't shoot. Did I forget to do something?